40) Oh My Lore-d... get it?

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A/N: this one is long and I have been procrastinating editing it lol

"Okay, so we have a way to contain him now," Tim said, forcing his brain to think analytically. He didn't have time to freak out over the fact that gods and demigods were real at the moment. "But just because we have a means to stopping him, it doesn't mean we can get him here or actually get the things onto him."

Jason nodded, a permanent half scowl seeming to be stuck on his face. "None of us can beat him in a fight."

"Who said anything about a fight?" Dick asked, arms crossed as he leaning against the table. "I think if we talked to him-"

"Tt- not only would Reaper leave the second you try to have a chitchat with him," Damian said in an annoyed tone. "But, even if he heard you out, nothing you say would convince him."

"If we could just explain that we knew that the al Ghuls are threatening Percy's-" Dick began, but was instantly cut off.

"They aren't threatening anything," Jason said, huffing out a breath. "You all met Percy. Even though he didn't make any show of power, I know you all felt the energy he gave off."

Bruce nodded. "Even without knowing anything about his heritage when I met him, I could tell he was strong. He radiated an energy that I can only really compare to Diana."

"Because he is also the child of one of the oldest gods," Jason said. "Percy is the son of Poseidon."

"So now you're gonna tell us all about them?" Dick asked. "You and Damian have had sticks up your asses since the first time we met Reaper about not being allowed to tell us-"

"The fucking god of the underworld showed up at our house!" Jason hit back, obviously in no mood to be challenged at the moment. "We couldn't talk about it unless you already knew about the gods— well I think a deity showing up and telling us to save his son's life counts as you knowing!"

Dick looked like he was about to yell back, but Tim stepped in. "We're getting off topic. We can fight about this later, but, for now, we need to focus. So, Jason, how can you be sure that the al Ghuls aren't threatening Percy's family?"

Damian responded for Jason. "Because he wrote a letter to Jackson," he said, as if it were obvious. "If he was only with the League to protect Percy's family, then he would be trying to convince them that he actually didn't care about him. He would have never even considered writing him a letter— he probably wouldn't have even taken the risk to contact any demigods to begin with."

"Then what is keeping him there?" Bruce asked.

"Inertia," Duke pitched as a half hearted joke.

There were a few quiet exhales at that— the joke not quite enough to break through the dark energy the room had.

"What if it's blackmail?" Steph said after a long moment.

"Tt- well obviously it would be blackmail. We are trying to figure what kind," Damian snarked.

Steph just rolled her eyes. "No, I mean like blackmail blackmail— like, what if they are threatening to tell the other demigods about him being Reaper?"

Bruce frowned slightly, his eyes focused as he considered the theory. "But if that is the only thing that is keeping him there, then it wouldn't make sense why he would go there to begin with."

"He worked with Ra's and Talia to begin with as a way to get by," Jason said, his eyes not meeting anyone in the family's. "He was 10 years old and homeless. He stole some food to survive, but he didn't understand modern technology and he couldn't risk revealing his powers to the public. Talia found him and lured him to Nanda Parbat. She gave him gifts and made sure he was fed— told him about how she too was a descendant of a god."

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