Chapter 5

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Nico's PoV (didn't see that coming? Read on!)

I was on a stupid mission for my father. I think this is his way of being nice. Give me work to keep my mind of the war. It's not like I now only think about war. I actually have a life, and a boyfriend. Me and Will got together, and the Aphrodite cabin, minus Piper, took so many pictures of our first kiss. That was like the most annoying thing in the world. And I wasn't like we were making out in the open! We were walking in the forest, and BOOM!!! We were kissing.

Anyways, back to the mission, I had to collect the souls in Surrey, because of a fire, three families went down. The good thing is that all of them died together, probably going in the fields of Asphodel together. So after collecting the souls, I had to travel back to camp to meet Will. My dad had made me stronger as a gift for the war. All the gods gave me power and strength. Now, I can do what Hazel can do, minus the mist stuff, along with summoning any kind of currency and my strength is as good as new. That's why I can shadow travel from camp to England without fainting. I was getting hungry so I went to a nearby restaurant and summoned some pounds to pay for a sandwich and coffee.

I heard two teenagers say Voldemort. Dad had been telling me something about a mortal named Tom Marvolo Riddle aka. Voldemort. He cost dad lots of paper work, making dad extremely grumpy. Apparently he split his soul into a bunch of pieces and made them horcruxes. I was most probably going to go hunting for horcruxes. Alone. Anywho, I went to follow those boys and I heard more of their conversation. They were talking about the chosen one. I was about to ask them about it until they popped out of existence. Dad had said about that being their form of transportation.

With a jolt, I realized something. Those kids didn't look more than 16, and they weren't with anyone. Also, they said Voldemort's name and without warning disappeared. I realized that they weren't real. Something or someone is trying to tell me or lure me in a trap. Before I could ponder more on this topic, two large creatures came out of the shadows. Everything around me became cold. I started reliving Tartarus. I wasn't able unsheathe my sword. So I did the only thing that came to my mind. I shadow travelled. I shadow travelled to an unknown destination.



Hey guys, sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to write longer chapters. I'm trying my best, so it'll be depending on my mood. This is another short chappy. Sorry! 😞

Didn't need many changes either, barely. Hope you liked it!!!

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