Chapter 10

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I DECLARE THAT WATTPAD IS MESSED UP!!! Three freaking chapters!!! So sorry for the delay. I wanted to update on the 23rd but freaking wattpad deleted my chapters. This one had 2000 words! I was so mad... Sorry for the burst. READ ON. 😀📖

Nico's PoV (Nico is seeing Sirius's life from his point of view)

After sucking the sadness out of Sirius, I fainted. Even though the gods had upgraded me, I still got tired quite easily. I think it was because of the long shadow traveling distances at once, collecting the souls and sucking the sadness. Wow, that sounds like a depressing job. Well, I do end up doing that all the time because of my oh-so-loving father.

When I fainted, I saw all that Sirius had gone through. It started when he was younger. He was abused by his horrid mother. She had a deathly pale face, dark grey eyes, and curly black hair, which she put in a tight bun. She came up to me and slapped me. She took out a stick-- no, a wand and whispered 'CRUCIO'. I yelled out in pain and cried for it to stop, but it didn't work. The scene changed.

I was a bit older, in a shop. I looked out the window and saw the words 'Knockturn Alley'. I felt a sense of fear looking at those words. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my father grabbed me by the neck and lead me into an abandoned alley. There was a loud crack and a man appeared out of thin air. He came up to my father and held his hand out. My father had a coin in his hand and when the man touched it, he cried out in pain. I couldn't bear to watch it. He yelled for it to stop. And my father laughed mercilessly. He commanded the man to follow him, or else, the man would see his family die in front of him. That seemed to work and he stopped yelling, now gasping for breath. The scene changed.

I was even older and I boarded a train. I sat in a compartment with a boy already in it. He had unruly, messy black hair that seemed untameable, and square glasses covering his bright hazel eyes that seemed to hold a glint of mischief. He had a small and thin frame, unlike Sirius, who was tall. He sat down and the raven haired boy introduced himself. 'James, James Potter.' I replied Sirius, as a result, he asked for my full name. He'd probably think I'll scream 'Crucio' at him if I say my last name. 'Sirius, Sirius Black'. 'Black?' I could tell he didn't think highly of me being a Black. (I realized that this sounded a bit racist, but I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT. Thx) I continued talking, making sure he didn't think I was like my family. 'I want to be a Gryffindor, cause Slytherins are stupid slime balls. My whole family's been in Slytherin and I want to break the tradition.' I gave him a goofy grin, my eyes filled with mischief. He grinned back, realizing that I was different. He pulled out a fake sword and said 'I want to be in Gryffindor, because those with a brave heart go there.' I realized I'd found a friend for life. The scene changed.

I walked up to a stool with a hat on it. I put the hat on and it started murmuring to me.
'Oh, another Black. Usually you'd go into Slytherin without any fuss but you seem different. Don't want Slytherin? I see... You've got a brave heart and a loyal soul. Friends mean everything to you. You're bravery defines you as a pure GRYFFINDOR!!!' It yelled that last part. I proudly walked down to the house of my dreams. The scene changed to a few days later.

I was sitting with my friends, James and Remus eating breakfast. Suddenly, a loud screech filled the hall. I looked up spotting my family eagle owl. I saw a bright red envelope. Remus told me to open it because it was a howler. I opened it and my mother screamed 'YOU FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR!!! SIRIUS ORION BLACK! HOW DARE YOU BE A GRYFFINDOR. YOU WILL GO TO THE HEADMASTER AND REQUEST A CHANGE OF HOUSE IMMEDIATELY. I WILL NOT TOLERATE MY ELDEST SON IN A HOUSE OF MUDBLOODS AND BLOOD TRAITORS!!! AND BELLA TOLD ME THAT YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH A POTTER AND HALF-BLOODS! THOSE ARE BLOOD TRAITORS!!! I DEMAND YOU LEAVE THAT HOUSE, OR YOU WILL BE DISOWNED. Congratulations Bella, for Slytherin.' I ran out of the great hall, knowing that I'll never have any more friends in Gryffindor. The scene changed to a few hours later.

I sat in an empty classroom, crying. The door opened and I looked up to see James and Remus. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up, waiting for them to yell or be angry. Much to my surprise, I was engulfed in a huge hug by both of my friends. They will never leave me. When we separated I said sorry so many times, and they forgave me. The scene changed.

James and I sat in the common room. We were discussing where we thought Remus went every month. We knew he was lying about his mom getting sick and his same aunt dying twice. Today, we followed him under James's invisibility cloak. He made his way to the infirmary. He met Madam Pomfrey and she led him to the whomping willow. She prodded a knot with a stick and the willow froze. We got in right behind them. When we went up, we saw Remus changing into a werewolf. We were scared out of our minds. Madam Pomfrey ran out and we were at her heels. The next day we confronted him. The scene changed.

I ran into Snape. I just had gotten into an argument with James. He came up to me and asked where me and my friends go every month. I yelled at him and said 'Prod the knot of the whomping willo--' I shook my head, murmured no and ran. I'd told him my secret. I'd told him Remus's secret. They'll loathe me now. They'll call me a traitor, a Black. I messed it up and I ran to the astronomy tower. The scene changed to a few hours later.

I was up at the tower, ready to jump of. My friends and family. Everything was gone. I'd never had a family that cared. My friends loathe me. I had nothing to live for. I was about to jump of when someone grabbed a fist of my hair and pulled me back. I fell on the ground, tears finding their way down my face. I felt like I did before a beating. I looked up at the figure that had saved me. It was James. But he was furious. Remus was beside him. They were probably here to tell me how bad of a friend I was. I braced myself for being shunned but it never came. James slapped me. He told me how stupid I was for thinking to suicide. I was ashamed. I tried to walk away, but Remus stopped me. They hugged me, like they had after the howler. I felt loved. I promised I wouldn't do that every again. I knew the loved me. The scene changed.

I was in the common room fighting with my girlfriend Marlene. She thought I'd cheated on her, but Lily had just given me a sisterly kiss. Lily's boyfriend was James. I didn't like her that way. I'd been devastated. She stalked of to her dorm. James had been there. He'd seen what happened. He believed me and Lily. I went to the room of requirement and bawled my eyes out. Later that day Marlene found me and made up with me. The scene changed.

I was looking at Marlene's dead body. It was the last day of school and we were all leaving for home. I saw her dead. I was blinded by grief. I couldn't think straight. I'd proposed her two weeks ago after James and Lily. Now she was dead. I couldn't do this. Everything faded.

The scene didn't change. I knew what was coming. Now was the worst memory. Oh, I couldn't wait to see it. (Sarcasm)


Hey guys, SO sorry! Wattpad deleted so many chapters. I was supposed update a few days back. Then I had to rewrite it. Kinda long I know. Hope you enjoyed. 😋

Please got and comment. XD

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