Chapter 6

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Sirius's PoV

So, out at Grimmauld Place, after the kids left, I heard a bang upstairs. Remus, Arthur, and I ran upstairs to see a fifteen-year-old, pale boy, dressed in black. I walk up to him and inspect him. He looks tired, as if a victim of a dementor. After so many years in Azkaban, I've come to know when someone has been near a dementor. He quite suddenly collapses. I lower my wand and bend down to check his temperature. All these questions were swimming through my mind. How did he get here? Who is he? Is he a Death Eater? Or worse, does he have some other connection to the Dark Lord? I shook these thoughts out of my head and checked his arm for a Dark Mark. (A/N: I'm pretty sure that Nico has a Roman tattoo.) Even though he had no Dark Mark on his left arm, he had another odd marking on his right arm. This boy's tattoo had the letters 'SPQR' and a black glyph like a cross with curved arms and a head. He had two lines beneath the tattoo that looked like score marks. I looked at Arthur and Remus.

"Sirius, it doesn't look like this young boy could be a Death Eater. He's much to young!"
"I know Moony, but this boy isn't ordinary." I murmured a spell to remove the polyjuice potion, if there was any, for five seconds of the boy. Nothing happened, so this was his original form. He didn't apparate, because that is impossible, even with dark magic. The bang was of the book shelf on the ground. I racked my brain for any other type of transportation. Then, I remembered once in seventh year DADA, we had learned about a type of transportation method called 'Umbrakensis'. It was said to be discovered by Ancient Greek wizards. Apparently, there was no other wizard that could do so since the 1600s.

I stepped aside and Arthur levitated the boy downstairs. Remus sent a patronus to Dumbledore to come down here and see who this mysterious boy is.

In the meanwhile, Molly and the kids were downstairs waiting for the news on the bang upstairs. Ginny, Fred and George were quite impatient to find out what was happening. When they saw their father levitating this unknown boy, they were quite shocked. Arthur lay him down on one of the sofas in the living room. When I was contemplating on whether to bind him or not, he woke.

Nico's PoV

When I woke up, I felt danger. I knew that I was being held captive. I opened my eyes just a bit to take in my surroundings. I say a man with shaggy black hair that was up to his shoulders he had sunken gray (for some reason my iPad isn't accepting the spelling. It shows 'grey' which I think is the American way. You know what it means) eyes that looked like whirlpools. He appeared in deep thought. On another sofa, I saw two twins that reminded me eerily of the Stolls and a girl which might've been their sister. They were all gingers with chocolate brown eyes. The boys looked like they were Percy's age and the girl looked about one year younger than me. In the room right behind us were three people. I decided that they should know that I'm awake. I opened my eyes and showed them that I was awake. The guy with the shoulder length hair called the three people from inside. Two gingers came out along with a sandy haired man. Right away I recognized that he was a werewolf. At instinct, I twisted my ring and let it form in to my Stygian Iron sword. They all took a step back and pulled out sticks. From what James and Lily had told me, those were wands. They were wizards! I looked at each and everyone of them in the eye, giving them my scariest glare. Clearly, they didn't think that I was danger. I inwardly smirked.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked the lady ginger stepped up.
"Dear, please lower your weapon. You appeared upstairs in the library and fainted." Next the one with shaggy hair came up.
"You had just encountered dementors. And as for who we are, you were the one who invaded my property" he held his wand higher and I lowered my weapon "so who are you?"

I twisted my skull ring and my sword shrunk. I wasn't going to tell them my real name. I had to be cautious.

"My name is Will Jackson" I said. It was highly unlikely that Percy or Will would come here. (A/N: Only if you knew)

"Well Mr. Jackson, why are you here?" Asked the werewolf
"None of your business, Wolfy. Now, I would appreciate if you would get you sticks of my chest and let me go. I'm rather in a rush." I replied with a sneer. Wolfy took a step back.
"How do you know--"
"You smell like one. You've got that dark creature aura around you. What I can't understand is why you didn't attack me. Demigods are monsters' favourite snack."
"I'm not like my brethren. Also, what's a demigod?" He replied. I scoffed when he said he was not like his brethren. Then, I was shocked that he didn't know what a demigod is. I stared at him not comprehending what he just said.

"You don't know what---" I was interrupted by a sudden green fire in the fire place. And out of the fire came the person I never thought I'd see.


Hey guys, long chappy, I know. But I thought you guys deserved it. The next one is about how Percy gets into Grimmauld Place and the Patronus. Also, the section that was underlined, was directly from the book. I don't own it.

Like it? Again, bit much to change, that stuff will prob change in the following chapters... Hope you liked it, the next chappy will take a while tho. Luv ya!

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