Chapter 9

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Sirius's PoV

DiAngelo's hand reached out and touched my shoulder I felt all my happiness return to me. My times with Prongs, Moony, and Wormtail. the love of my life, Marlene McKinnon, who had been killed by the hands of death eaters. I saw all our times together. I felt like my old self, happy and carefree. I loved it. Suddenly, I felt like somebody hit the back of my head with a hammer. I'm pretty sure I fainted.

Remus's PoV

Sirius fainted and I thought the worse. Dark magic, I was sure. I pointed my wand at the boy.

"What did you do to Sirius?" I asked.

"Chill, I just sucked out all the damage that the dementors had done. Geez, I'm tired. I'm gonna go to sleep." And he fainted. Great. Percy Jackson continued for him. I think their conversation, in what I thought was Greek or Latin, gave him information on what happened.

"So, after he had the encounter with the dementor, Nico shadow traveled here. He was probably shocked, because he tends to do so then..." He finished. I'm not sure what to. Therefore I asked the girl, what she was going to tell us.

"So, Annabeth, while these two have fainted, please do the honours and tell us what you were going to." I didn't think she would answer. I may not be the Dumbledore, but I am mostly right.

"Sorry Mr. Lupin, but I think we should wait for Mr. Black." I nodded. Percy felt the need to say something else. I don't like him. He is very suspicious.

"Yeah, I wanna see Neek's face when he's told he has to say his full titles -- wait, do I have to say my full titles?" Annabeth looked at him and nodded, stifling laughter. And he pouted? Wow, on a 17 year old, it looked a bit odd. Then Annabeth laughed and he cracked a cocky grin. Sirius woke up, breaking the moment. He groaned, signalling he wasn't it much pain. He looked much different, no more bags under his eyes, a smile that was incredibly infectious, and his eyes didn't have that endless darkness. His smile reached his eyes and he looked like he had before James and Lily.

"Hey guys, sup?" He exclaimed. Harry looked at his godfather rather dumbfounded. Harry hadn't seen his godfather's young side. He looked a bit like he has after he'd gotten over Marlene. First Marlene in his seventh year, than five years later, James and Lily. It'd been very hard on him. He'd had the most abusive childhood and a depressing adulthood. I didn't remember Sirius looking this happy in ages, even after his trial.

Flashback to trial

Sirius's PoV (just for the Flashback ☺️)

Remus and Dumbledore had come to my trial. I'd been groomed by Molly like I was a child. She was fussing over how much I'd been growing my hair, up to the extent that they were up to my elbows. She trimmed them up to my shoulder and had bought me a new dress robe, that looked like the muggle tux-e-doo. Sounded like u-no-poo. I looked really odd, but Molly insisted that I was to wear this. Remus was telling what to say and when to say everything, like they'd told Harry during his trial. I tried to deny a couple times, but then had to admit that I could have a temper worthy Lily.

We left for the trial and I was under a heavy disillusionment charm. Usually, I'd think of the great pranks I could play, but not any more. I was so nervous, my hands wouldn't stop shaking. At the end of the atrium, Remus removed the charm and the man at the desk yelped. I had expected s reaction, so I remained unfazed. He started stuttering.

"Pl-please h-h-hand over y-your w-w-wand."

"Here" I handed it over as though I hadn't noticed his shaky voice. He handed me the receipt.

"Thank you" I said. He started at me in complete awe as though not able to comprehend that a convicted mass murderer and Azkaban escapee could be polite.

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