Chapter 12

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Sirius's PoV

Those kids introduced themselves and we had our jaws on the ground. They must've had hard lives. Two wars, and now entering a third. I pity them. Dumbledore spoke.

"So, not that everyone has been introduced, I would appreciate everyone treating the demigods the same. Also, Sirius, please assign the three of them rooms." Everyone dispersed other than Moony and I.

Di Angelo turned to us. "Do you guys know any Padfoot and Moony?" He asked. I was so shocked. How did he know? I looked at Remus and he seemed to be wondering the same thing.

"Um, yeah. I'm Padfoot and he's Moony." I replied reluctantly. "How do you know about that, though."

"Jame and Lily told me." He replied as if it was obvious. Moony and I looked a bit puzzled and enraged.

"They're dead." Stated Remus. He nodded.

"I talked to their spirit in the underworld. They got Elysium for sacrificing their lives for their son. I talk to a lot of people there. I know a lot of them from when they were alive..." He trailed of, probably thinking about them.

"You went to the underworld? Like the place where people go after they die?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Didn't you hear us? All three of us have gone on much unpleasant tours of the upper and lower underworld. My father owns the upper part of the underworld." My jaws was probably as far as it could go. I didn't think it was humanly possible to be more shocked about anything. I managed to choke out, "Okay, let's get you your rooms."

I led them through my hellhole. The trio looked a bit scared as if this place reminded them of somewhere. Which it probably did, the underworld. We reached and I pointed to three rooms and Percy and Annabeth got nervous. Nico smiled and spoke.

"They need to sleep together, they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Percy and Annabeth glared at him and he wore an innocent smile on his face that I recognized immediately, the number of times I'd used it myself, his eyes shining with mischief. I chuckled, remembering my youth and enlarged their bed.

The next morning, everyone came down for breakfast and I eyed those demigods.the Weasley's had stayed over along with Remus and Hermione. I had to get my auror license renewed today. I hope they'd accept me. I got very bored at home, not having anything to do. I took Harry places in the wizarding world where young witches and wizards went. Thought back to my childhood, my mother, my father, my brother... It was as if I wasn't their child. Even 'Dromeda didn't go through so much. I missed Regulus. I had hoped he'd never be like them, but I'd left him. And he had hated me. I didn't know why these thoughts were swimming through my mind. This boy, Nico DiAngelo, he reminded me of someone. I could almost see a dark glow around him. He reminded me of everyone who was dead, James, Lily, and even Marlene. My brother, my sister, and my fiancée. I walked into my room and saw Harry smiling at a photo album, the same one I was looking at yesterday morning. I hated the thoughts that I couldn't control.

Nico's PoV

I woke up to water. Not room temperature, freezing cold water. Percy. That idiot. I raised a skeleton out of the ground and made him duel it, and I turned over and went back to sleep. Well I kinda forgot that if I sleep, then the skeleton would go back from where it came from. This time, I was attacked by Annabeth. This is going to be hard. Annabeth and dagger equal dead meat. And this time that would be me. I open my eyes a bit, and see Percy laughing in a corner with an empty bucket. I shadow travel under the bed and go back to sleep. At the base of my feet, I felt a dog bite it. Finally I came out from under the bed to see a furious Annabeth, a dark shaggy dog, and a laughing Percy. I glared at him, and he shut up. I smirked, then I saw Annabeth glaring at me. Man, she is scary! I looked at the dog and raised my eyebrow. He transformed into Sirius. Wait, WHAT?? Ok, I've seen Frank do that, he grows into that form. This guy, this guys just popped into that! Man, maybe we aren't the only awesome species on earth. He smirked at my reaction and went downstairs. We got ready and followed, I could tell that he was thinking about us. After breakfast,

"Okay everyone, I have to go to the ministry to get my licence renewed." Sirius announced. A few minutes later him and the werewolf went in to the fire place and got burned. I think that was called flee. Weird. I turned to the nice lady, uh, Molly Weasley. Let's go with Mrs. Weasley.

"Uh, Mrs. Weasley, is it possible that the three of us can explore your, um, world? In the sense that we should know how to get around. Percy is a wizard, Annabeth got blessed, and I have a few powers to make everyone think that in one too. I was going to be sent here to destroy an evil dude, Riddle, I think." She looked at me shocked. Well I am that awesome. I continued, "We need to talk to Dumbledore. He can help." She nodded.

She called the twins, the trio, and Mr. Weasley. She told them to take us around Diagon Alley and then to Hogsmead. I have no idea. I called Percy and Annabeth and went downstairs to take a tour of this new... World.


A/N: Hey guys!! Like it? Kinda filler, I'm sorry. Man, I've been saying that a lot. Next week a juicier chapter. I promise. If I can write some today and tomorrow, I will. Il, try and write longer chapters and update every Saturday. Hope you like it!

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