Chapter 22

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I roll my eyes at all the rude people pushing and shoving their way through everyone else. Matt wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him so I don't get shoved anymore. We slowly make our way throught the crowd and stand on the side where there are the little shops and food places.

I look over at the conveyor belts and see lots of luggage on there. Not wanting to search through all of it, I turn to Matt. "I'm gonna go to Startbucks, want anything?" He looks down at me and smiles as if I saved his life. I tilt my head at him, "What? Why are you smiling like that?"

He rubs my back with his hand and drags the word, "Nothing..." I raise my eyes at him but he hands me a ten dollar bill and says, "Get me an iced coffee, babe."

I cringe when he called me babe, "Don't call me that, it sounds weird."

Matt laughs as he puts both his hands on my waist. "But I like the sound of that." He says low and deep making my knees weak.

We start at eachother as I'm searching my brain for what to say next. I open my mouth, "I'll pay you back later." I bite my lower lip and slide out of his grasp. He gives me a wink and watches me enter Starbucks.

After we got our drinks and luggage, we stood outside to wait for my mom to pick us up. Moments later we hear beeping as a red jeep rolls into view in front of us. My mom waves through the passengers window and gets out the car. I run over to her and hug her with all my might. "Careful, dear. Are you trying to sufficate me?" We both laugh as we separate and I take a step towards Matt.

"Mom, this is Matt. Matt, my mom." I introduce them and Matt steps forward to give mom a handshake.

He says, "It's nice to meet you, Mrs."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to be meeting you. Maddie would not stop talking about you over the phone! Here, let me get those for you." She takes my luggage leaving me with my mouth agaped.

I turn to Matt and told him, embarrassly, "She's just joking."

He pouts and walks, with is luggage, towards the trunk of the Jeep and tickling my side on the way. I blush at his little act and hop into the passager seat. I quickly turn on the AC and took off my hoodie, leaving me in a white cropped tank top and sweats.

I look at the sunny skies and feel the pleasure of cool air hitting my face and hair.

I take a deep breath in and out.

I missed you, Flordia.


Once we get to my mom's house, which is pretty big and cozy, she shows us our guest rooms and leaves us alone unpack. Her husband isn't here get so I haven't met him yet, which makes me pretty nervous about meeting him. I look around the guest bedroom where there's a creme bed set with matching dressers, mirrors, and one-seater sofa. I close the door behind me and lock it. Opening the suit case I change into floral shorts but keep on my white halter tank top. After unlocking the door, I set my luggage in the corner and head into Matt's room.

The doors left wide open and I knock on the door frame. His head jerks up at me and he's smile grows, "Hey, M."

I walk over to the side of the bed where he isn't packing and plop onto comfy, cool mattress. I look into his suit case and open my mouth at what I'm seeing. "You barely have any clothes!"

Matt chuckles nervously, "Yeah, I don't have much good clothes for this weather."

I laugh at him, "Don't worry. It can be fixed, we'll go shopping! And don't worry, you can go with Josh while I shop with Em." I clap in excitement as I look at my phone for the time, 1:45. I continue talking, "Their out of school in about half an hour so let's go surprise them." I hop up and start walking out the door. Over my shoulder I say, "I'll let you get ready." Before walking out the door I turn and wink at him, then I start skipping downstairs meeting my mom in the kitchen.

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