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I awake in the all too familiar bed. Why am I here? I open my eyes to a blurry vision of a bright light that I'm assuming is the sun. I rub my eyes as I realize I have a pounding headache from all of the alcohol I consumed last night.

I sit up in the bed with the blanket still covering my legs. I'm still wearing the jeans and top I had on last night. I look around the room to a curly haired boy laying beside me with his hair pressed against his forehead from the sweat. He looks so peaceful this way with his eyes shut and his lips pressed together softly. 

I nearly run my hand along his forehead until I stop myself and get out of bed as quietly as I can but it doesn't do any good. "Lia," He says, his voice groggy from his sleep. I stand there staring blankly at the wall as I sigh and ignore him as I look around for my shoes. "What did you do with my shoes?" I ask.

"Please stay for five minutes and let me explain." 

"You've said enough."


"Where are my shoes?"

"Please, Lia."

I sigh and sit at the edge of the bed as he moves to sit beside me. "I've apologized a trillion times and there's nothing I can do to change the past and you know that. I wish I could but I just can't. I never knew the things that could have happened with your mother, I was a selfish teenager that didn't know any better or care. I told you, Lia. I was going through shit when my dad had left, I honestly didn't care about anyone around me or the people I hurt until I had left my shitty group of friends. I never meant to hurt you because at the time none of that meant shit to me. We weren't aiming for you or your family, we didn't even know who any of you were at the time, we just showed up there, Lia. Just like we had shown up at any other house because all they wanted was money and to take their anger out on breaking other peoples shit. They never seriously hurt anyone, including me. I told you, I was just their guard. I kept any eye out for the police, that was all." He explains for what feels like the millionth time.

"I just want another chance, Lia. I will show you that you can trust me again and if you can't then I will understand but you have to give me another chance. Please." He begs as I sigh.



"Yeah, okay." 

"Okay you'll give me another chance?" He asks with concern in his voice. "Yeah, I guess." I say with a slight sigh in my voice. It's taking everything in me to give Harry another chance but my father has always told me that everyone deserves a second chance. I remember that from whenever he would tell Ana and I stories of my mother and him and whenever one of them would mess things up in their relationship that they would always go on a rant about how someone deserves a second chance, your fault or theirs.


I had took my shoes and left Harry's place earlier, I promised him that if he called I would answer but he hasn't called yet and I wonder why, he's been calling me so much this entire time but now he decides to give me space once we're somewhere between back together and working on things.

I turn on the water in the shower as I look at myself in the large mirror above the sink in the bathroom.

Taking my clothes off and stepping into the shower I let the warm water roam all over my body as I start washing my hair.

Once I get out of the shower and change into clean clothes, I walk into my bathroom to see I have two missed calls from Harry. I should probably call him back. 

So I do.

"You promised." He says once he picks up the phone.

"I was in the shower," I respond.

"Oh, shit. Sorry that sounds obsessive." He apologizes.

"It's alright. What are you doing?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Ah, I'm at Liam's house right now,"

"Oh, I'll let you get back to hanging out with him then?"

"No! No, it's okay."

And Harry and I talk on the phone for a couple more minutes.. Hours like this and he finally tells me that Liam is getting annoyed with him so he'll just text me and once he hangs up the phone, I have a text message from him...


Well, the first few days in the week were spent just talking to Harry over the phone and texting him.

This week was spent at school and Harry wasn't enjoying the fact that I only had a certain amount of time spent to talk to him with graduation coming up in a few months and prom, I was on almost every committee possible and Harry didn't enjoy it.

I was currently helping organize the books in the school library as I feel arms wrap around my waist as they spin me around to meet their face. "Harry," I whisper with a smile on my face as his lips move to my mouth and I kiss him back. 

"I miss you a lot, you need to take some time off. You're too busy," He says a little too loudly for the library as I turn around and continue taking the books off the cart and placing them in order with the authors. "I miss you too but I can't just take time off when these people are counting on me." I explain.

"Well, at least let me take you out Friday night, I haven't took you out in almost three weeks, that's bad." He slouches and I can't help but smile at how adorable this dork in front of me looks. "Okay, but you have to go because you know how Mrs. Littleton is," I say referring to our not-so-friendly librarian.

"Okay, I'll be at your car waiting on you," He says as he kisses me swiftly and begins to walk away until I pull him by his shirt and smash his lips against mine.

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