Chapter Twenty Two - The Life We Wished For

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I paid for all his treatments, I felt so happy I never felt this way, sometimes being rich is good if you help those who are in need. I mean it's a feeling you will never forget. Alhamdullilah.

"Why would you pay for my treatments?" He asked as he saw me spacing out.

"I just felt the need to do so. I don't why."

"Are you Muslim?"

"Yeah I'm a convert." I replied while smiling I think I still don't look like one.

"Because you helped me, I would like to treat you to my house for dinner, my daughter is really good at cooking." As soon as I thought who that daughter would be I wanted to go even more, I'm sure it's Arhama.

"Oh thank you, I would love to, I will also make sure I'm on time." I replied as happily as i was. Of course I can't miss it, otherwise I would be stupid.

"I will take you back home." I said as I once again went to Arhama's house to drop her dad. Who thought I would ever meet him? After I got rejected I thought it won't work. I opened the door for him to get off and waited until he went inside.

"Thanks a lot for today I guess Allah is helping me in a way." He said before he left.

"No worries I did with all my heart, thanks to you I think I will learn more about others." I was never able to understand people but now that you look at it everyone goes through something in their life. It's scary but it  can't be helped. He waved at me before he went inside, then I shall see them all later.

Now only the dept is left to be paid and that will be done soon when they transfer the money to them. I don't remember how I became like this, but I'm also glad I became like this. I went back to my huge house, I live on my own. Because the house is this big I feel alone sometimes, it makes wish and regret a lot of things. But I think bringing Arhama here as my wife would be fun I hope she accepts me. I really love her, when did I become like this? I'm usually the type who stays away from these kind of things.

The house is big and enough for ten people to live here, there was six bedrooms, and one bathroom in each room and there was two more downstairs, two huge kitchens, and three big living rooms. I guess now you know what I meant by it feels lonely, the only reason I didn't change the house it's because it's the only thing that was left for me from my grandpa, I wish he was still here. I walked up to the stairs and stopped I took few deep breaths and thought of how long and upsetting today was, I went from step to step going up while putting strength and making loud noise from my steps like a little kid who's angry, until I reached my bedroom, I slowly pushed the door open and went in. My bedroom was simple everything was white the walls was painted white, the bed is white, and even the wardrobe was white, it's because the color white just makes me feel happy and fresh like when it snows in winter and everything gets covered with snow, it goes all white and nice. 

I threw myself on the bed and fell asleep without thinking about anything. I think this is what I wanted to do for awhile, just fall asleep peacefully, which I did now. 

Arhama's P.O.V.

"Arhama get up!" Mum shouted as she hit my hand lightly to wake me up. When I have a day off of work then it is hard to get me to wake up. 

"Mum what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked as I slowly tried to open my eyes but it didn't work, because I slept late. My mum usually doesn't wake up I don't know what is wrong with today.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but we have guests today, do you mind helping me out please?" My mum asked I can never refuse what my mum asks for.

"What guests? We have no one here, that's what you said to me." I asked curious about what guests when she clearly said we have no family here.

"You know, to be honest I'm not even sure, I'm just doing what your dad told me to do." She explained with a smile on her face. My mum doesn't ask dad anything knowing he's ill, she just does whatever he asks her for.

"Okay, I will be down in a bit, can't I sleep just for a bit?" I asked putting on a cute face.

"No, because it's late come on darling you need to come down, please." 

"Okay mum." I can't refuse when it comes to my mum... oh well can't be helped. I took the blanket off and stood up to quick that it made me dizzy. I better start eating properly, I haven't eaten good things for a while now, I don't want to visit the hospital anytime soon. I took a hair bubble that was on top of my pillow and places my long hair in a messy pony tail, then I went to the toilet. I made sure I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I hate it when I'm not praying, I just hate it. I went downstairs and straight to the kitchen I was hungry, I wanted to eat something but my mum being the good mother she is, she made some toast for me and a cup of tea, just the way I like it.

"Mum thanks a lot, I haven't eaten anything yesterday other than silly things." I thanked her as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I took the plate, the cup and placed them in the table. I sat down slowly as something hit my head, it was what happened yesterday, I tried to forget about it but it just didn't work. I ate very fast and when I finished I stood up and washed my plates and started to help my mum. The worst part was cutting the onions, I hate doing this, my eyes will be burning me and I just hate the feeling of it. But I have no other choice but to cut them quickly.

"I finished!" Half shouted half whispered, while wiping the little tears those were falling off.

"Thank you Arhama come and help me with this now." Mum pointed at the rice she was making... I guess today is gonna be along day. 

After doing everything we put everything on the table warm and nice. I was already hungry like a baby who needs to eat every three to four hours, maybe it is because I haven't eaten proper food for ages, the smell was already dragging me crazy, since it is a guy that's coming I will just eat in my room or maybe I could- the door bell rang stopping me from the thinking.

"Arhama go open the door." My mum shouted and I ran quickly to open the door. 

"One second!" I said as I was looking for the keys and straight away I placed the key on when I found them, and pulled the door wide open. Oh my god... I just couldn't believe what my eyes just saw. Really?

Salam guys,  I know I haven't updated for ages and as always I'm so sorry. I have been completely busy, but first thing I finished the course I was doing and this year I'm just doing the subjects that I missed, so I will have more exams this year, i know this chapter is short but i will try to update soon inshallah. 

Guys i would like to tell you that you should never give up on anything, there was times when i wanted to give up on everything the course work and the course itself but then i had these good people who told me i can do it and they helped me make it till the end, I'm really thankful to those people, and to Allah who made everything easy alhamdullilah. Thanks a lot for your duas and for your patience with me guys. Enjoy the chapter and inshallah i will update soon bye for now guys! 

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