Chapter Tweleve - The Surprise

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It's been two weeks already since I talked or saw Ismael and my parents, I'm fine with it even though I miss them sometimes. But now what's more improtant is I have courseworks to finish. Lots and lots of coursework. Did I mention before how much I hate coursework? No, I don't think I did.

Now was time to pray fajer, I did wudu and got ready to pray. After I finished praying, I sat on the bed next to Nadia, with my phone on my hand just looking at the time.

"Lets go downstairs." Nadia said as she stood up.

"Did anyone wake up yet?" I asked as I smiled because of course they did.

"Yeah. There's fajer prayer to pray."

"I know I was only joking, calm down!" I replied jokingly as I stood up and followed after her.

We went dowstairs and everyone was awake. Nadia's mum was making breakfast for everyone. Her dad as usually was reading the newspaper. That's it?! I wonder if she have a brother or a sister at least, because the house feels empty. Me and Nadia sat down after saying salaam to Nadia's dad. After that her mum came and placed the plates on the table. It was just toasts nothing strange, so you guys don't have to worry. They don't eat aliens! She sat down after placing everything on the table and saying salaam to me and to Nadia. We started eating I had mine with a cup of tea, nothing's much better than a cup of tea at the morning. And strangely it was quiet, no one said anything until Nadia's mum broke the silence.

"Your brother is coming to visit." She stated as she looked at Nadia.

"What? Really? Is he coming with his wife?" She asked. Wow! So she did have a brother and yet he's married? Why am I missing a lot of stuff?!

"Hold on! You have a brother and he's married?" I asked confused but all they did was laugh. I thought Nadia was the only child but, she wasn't?!

"Of course I do! Did you think I was the only child? Even though I really wanted to be the only one." She replied with a sad voice.

"Say Alhamdulillah!" I snapped at her.

"Alhamdulillah." She said. "Mum did he tell you when he's coming?" She asked softly as she looked at her mum.

"Yeah I think he said this week or next week." Her mum replied as she took a bite from her toast. "He might just come any time without us knowing."

I wonder how her brother looks like. Did I see him before? Why does it feel like I'm missing a lot of things? They seem important as well. Oh my god!

"That would be amazing, we better get ready before they come, what shoud we do?" She asked excitedly. Well of course she was excited, it seems like she haven't seen him for ages.

"You guys can go shopping and buy some stuff we need." Her mum replied while smiling. Agh. Not shopping again.

"Khadija, are you coming with me or are you staying home?" She asked with a wide grin on her face. There's no turning back to this grin.

"Erm... I guess I... I will go with you." I replied awkwardly as I forced a smile on my face. I couldn't say no after all.

After we finished our breakfast, straight away we went shopping. Well since it was boring at home I thought I should really go, instead of staying. Because I couldn't say no. Of course I had so much coursework to finish.

We looked around in a lot of shops, till now I have no idea what Nadia is looking for. It's strange. What kind of stuff would you buy if your brother is coming? I don't know, do you know?

"Nadia are you looking for something?" I asked as I looked at her. I gave her a confused expression because to be honest I have no idea why I'm here, of course it was because I said, I will come along. Without her the house is boring. Plus I guess I hate the idea of doing coursework, anyway now or later I'm going to have to finish them.

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