Chapter Sixteen - Mairah's Tip's!

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Khadija's P.O.V.

I woke up at he morning in Ismael's arms, my cheeks went red just looking at his face, he really looks like an angel. I slowly touched his eyelashes, he had  really long eyelashes Mashallah, his lips were pink and soft like a little babies lips. I secretly gave him a kiss on his nose, and I slowly moved his hand away from me. I went in the bathroom, brushed my teeth and did wudu, and went to pray fajer. After I finished praying fajer, I thought of Mairah's tip's from Yesterday.

"So tip number one, is to make him a nice brekfast." Mairah said as she smiled at me.

"No I can't do that." I refused there's no way I'm cooking that is so not like me.

"Why not? A girl cook for the people she likes, you can cook for your parents and other people that you like and of course the people you hate sometimes because you don't want to show them. But why can't you cook for your husband?!" She asked looking a bit serious.

"Because there is no kitchen in the hotel." I made an excuse. I guess that would work it for a while, I hate cooking.

"You can order something nice and wake him up while calling his name sweetly."

"How can I do that, sounds childish." I said as I laughed at her.

"What do you mean? Love itself is childish, you didn't know that?" She asked while smirking.

"Wow, you seriously are a professional." I joked.

"Just try it, you won't hate it later, also wake him to pray fajer, that's important." She said as she smiled warmly. Of course fajer is important you feel really good after praying it.

After a while of thinking of what happened Yesterday I took a deep breath and tried to do it. I walked to Ismael and down on the bed behind him, he was facing the the other side and his back facing me. I put my hand on his arm and tried to wake him up.

"Ismael wake up, it's time to pray fajer." I said as sweet as I could as I tried to shake him up to wake up. But it didn't work. "Ismael! Come on wake up! It's fajer time." I tried oncce again but it didn't work. "Hunny, sweetie wake up it's time to pray fajer!" I said even more sweet than before I never thought there would be a day where I use them words. He suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at me, he gave me a warm smile and then he grabbed me and pulled me into the bed back into his arms.

"What are you doing?" I said as I tried to get out of his grip, but it didn't wor he pulled me closer and that when I stopped and kept still while looking into his eyes. His blue eyes says a lot that I can't tell it's a mixed emotion.

"Call me that again." He said as he smiled. I straight away knew what he was talking about. He heard everything I said!

"You were awake and heard everything?" I asked but he just nodded and then said.

"It was sweet hearing that from you. But you never said that you loved me, I said it to you before." He said as he looked at me. Now that I remembered it he did say that he loved me once, it was getting really hot and I just wanted to run away to a cool place, but being in his arms make me feel secure.

"I love you!" He said and that came out of nowhere. Suddenly it felt like there was something in my stomach, like little butterflies flying around, I took my hand and placed it on my stomach, Ismael just looked at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he looked at me with concern.

"I don't know it just feel like there is... butterflies flying in my stomach, it feels weird." I said as he looked at me and then he laughed. "Why you laughing?" I asked I don't think its something funny.

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