Chapter One - Back Home

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"Did you arrive to Canada yet?" Aimen asks through the phone

"Yeah I did and soon Insha'Allah I will come home, Aimen." I replied as soon as I arrived to Canada she called me I bet she missed me a lot, I left the airport where there was loads of people in it and I was on my way to take a taxi and finally return home after a few years, but before I could get a taxi, I saw a woman standing there not far away from me near the road waiting for the traffic light to go red so she can cross the road, she was on her phone talking to someone, and there was a guy who was walking towards the woman, he was wearing a black hoodie with black skinny jeans, his face was covered while he was looking down at the ground, he suddenly snatched the woman's bag and started running away and the woman was screaming without me realizing I started chasing after him.

"Bye Aimen I will talk to you later, when I come home." I said to Aimen and hung up the phone straight away, because I was chasing the guy who has stole the woman's bag.

"Hey stop and return the bag." I shouted but he didn't listen. "Don't regret this later." I warned but he didn't stop so I ran as fast as I could I went pass him he was behind me not far away from me, you guy's probably thinking I'm running away, but no as he came closer I placed my hands on his shoulders, and then he placed his on mine, I turned around stepping away from him, and then I pulled him towards me, but not closer because it's haram, (this throws off their balance), and then I bend over while grabbing his arm, I lifted him up while pulling his arm forward, I flipped him over, his body hit's the ground really hard, I lowered my gaze I didn't want to look at his face I took the bag off him, and then I made my way back to the woman to return her bag.

"Here's your bag." I said while giving her the bag.

"Oh thank you so much, you're a life saver." She said kindly she's really kind.

"No problem, I've been trained for this anyways." I replied, and then she said bye I took my luggage and then I left I looked back at the guy but he was no longer there, what did he just make me do in a public place? Agh I hate boys, Allah please forgive me for what I have done today.

Let me introduce myself my name is Khadija and I'm eighteen years old, this is my last year in college and finally for my last year in college I'm back to Canada, in university I want to study sociology and psychology, and hopefully that will be next year when I start going to university Insha'Allah, I'm so excited I can't wait but to be honest Allah only knows what I will study in university, but for now that's what I want, I want to be a social worker, I have to work hard so I will get to go to the best university well I believe they all good but it depends on the teacher and the student really, because if the student want to learn they do their best and if the teacher is a good teacher tries her best to help her students.

My family business is really good my dad owns a mobile company, he said he had a best friend and he is his business partner, so they both are partners and both of them own a company, my dad always talks about how happy he is to have a friend like him in his life, and my mum is a nurse and she's always happy with her job, our house is so huge is enough for twenty people, but even if my mum or dad wanted to move out I would say no because I have a lot of memories in this house, even though I felt lonely because I was the first child, but now I'm the oldest one, I have one sister her name is Aimen, and two twins brothers Mohamed and Ahmed which it makes four out of all of us, my sister is in year eleven and my two twins brothers are in year seven, they are adorable, and they all listen to me because I'm older than them which makes me very happy.

After twenty minutes later I finally arrived home, I knocked on the door and waited for them to open, my mum opened the door, she's so beautiful mash 'Allah, I haven't seen her like for three years and then behind her was my dad who was smiling.

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