Chapter Fourteen - A Married Couple? No way!

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After deciding on what to do to him. I came up with the stupid plan ever. I pushed him so hard and when he was about to fall he grabbed my arm, and we both fell on the floor. I didn't get hurt that much because I fell on him, I could tell he was on pain and I did feel bad about it. I stood up really quick and tried to help him out. This is all because of that stupid self-defense thing. If only I didn't learn it.

"Ouch." He said in pain as I gave him a hand to stand up. I feel bad, I'm heavy a bit and on top of that I pushed him so hard and I fell on him too. Agh what an awkward moment. I can't even smile right now. "You really changed." He finished as he took my hand and stood up.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused as I looked at him. He looked really cool today he was wearing his jeans with a top, I guess just like me he didn't care that much, his hair colour is black as usual, shiny and straight, his blue eyes looking straight at me making me feel nervous. I blushed for a second and lowered my gaze, after thinking of the situation I looked back at him, he was also looking down his fringe covering his eyes but then he looked straight at me and smiled warmly. I couldn't smile back because it seemed like he was going to do something or maybe that was just my imagination. But I still felt embarrassed I could die.

"You seem like a totally different person, you used be cheerful, cute, and always leaned on me, haha, oh seriously, now you're pushing me?" He asked as he looked at me, but what he said was bothereing me because I remember nothing from what he said. Was I really like that? Ha, I still I am.

"Sorry I didn't mean it. It's just my reaction..." Oh I don't even know what to say, it's just my reaction to too much self defense? No! I can't say that. " So you see..." I started to explain as I picked on my nails shyly trying to make something up. "Actually I didn't know this would happen... I'm serious I'm not exactly lying right now, I didn't know how to react so it just... happened... sorry I will try my best not to do it again." I said the last few words quietly to myself, no matter how much I try to lie it just doesn't work, I'm happy, lying is bad after all, right? All what I said was the truth none of them was a lie. I didn't know how to react to this, so this is all I had to do, plus I need to stop.

"It's alright I kind of expected that, so it's okay." He said as he was leaving. Wait a minute now that I remember it he said I used to be 'cheerful and cute.'

"Hey, are you saying I'm not cute and cheerful anymore?!" Holy banana, that came out loud, agh what should I do? I didn't mean to say it that loud. He stopped and looked at me, great now he's walking towards me, he came closer again, I tried my best this time not to push him since maybe he heard the last words that I said. He came as close as to me we were only a few inches away, he pressed his lips on my forehead and then he backed a little bit away and looked at me, I was shaking since all of these are new to me, he kissed me!

"I'm not saying you're not cute and cheerful since you still got those side of you somewhere deep inside hidden, I just need to get it back for you." He explained as he looked at me and then he started walking away again. "I'm going to have a shower." He said as he was walking without looking back. seriously no one asked him.

I went in the room, the hotel was so big and fancy, just looking at it I knew they spended it so much money on it. Which makes me feel bad. I looked around once more, but wait a minute there's only one... bed? One bed only! Agh what's going to happen now?! At the moment I was feeling so hot and very warm. I went and sat down on the bed and took my scarf off, so that some air comes in wearing a scarf sometimes isn't easy. I took the hair bubble off and let my long hair fall. I stood up and went to open the window. The fresh air came in and made my hair fly and a bit messy. I turned around to go and get my scarf and suddenly before I even moved an inch Ismael was there. Standing right there. He was only wearing a towel around his waist. His whole body was showing. Not exactly all of it. He was really fit that I didn't even realize it. He had six packs. No jokes! His hair was wet and he was drying it with the towel. The water drops from his hair down to his shoulder and chest and all the way down. The room was so hot and hard to breath. Once I realized what I was looking at, I hit myself slightly on the cheek and said 'astagfiurllah' in my head. That was so haram. What have I done?! Ismael suddenly glanced at me and then he smiled all of the sudden and started walking towards me.

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