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Ashton's pov

My lungs were sore, chest tight, voice gone, hope lost. The rough bark of the large oak tree scrapped against my skin as I slid down, pressed against it in hopes that he wouldn't find me. The only sounds that filled the cold night air was the distant crunching of branches and dead leaves beneath heavy feet.

"Ashy come out, come out wherever you are" his deep, angry voice taunted. His voice was loud, fuming with annoyance and danger.

I squeezed my eyes shut, mentally preparing myself for what I would do next. I placed both of my hands on either side of my body and pushed myself off of it. I took careful steps, only stepping on dirt, keeping my body camouflaged with the darkness.

"Ashton come play" I could almost feel the smirk that was most likely placed smugly on his ghastly lips. He started singing Hush Little Baby in a low voice. My ears were ringing, my mind racing, my heart thumping loudly. The crunching got louder and louder by the second.

"Ashton" he called again. I could see his silhouette coming towards me, but his head was turned in a different direction. I took the only chance I had and started sprinting. Ignoring the stabbing pain in my leg from past events. The moon shone brightly through the gaps in the trees, bright and somehow comforting.

With every step I could feel the energy draining from my body. I slowed my pace, standing still against a tree. The only thing I could hear was my own rugged breathing and the distant chirping of grass hoppers. I stared at the tress and the bushes, looking for any movements.

I counted to 100, then started running again. At any moment I could collapse on the dirt floor of the woods and no one would ever find me. No one would come looking, I'm the boy who ran away, I'm the boys who echo's through town in small murmurs and hushed whispers.

I must have ran for at least two hours, never stopping, never looking back. My legs dragged across the dirt, limp and aching. My chest heaving with each painful breath. The trees and darkness affecting my vision.

That's when I saw it, when hope was all but a fairytale I saw it. The large dim cabin. Three steps led up to a large deck, surrounded by wooden railings. I stumbled up to the deck, my body instantly falling to the floor about a foot away from the large white door. Short, strangled gasps escaped my lips as my eyes shut, my body fell limp as I lost all consciousness.

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