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Shadow's POV
How could I, is all I could hear in my head. I kept repeating it over and over in my head. I got home and fell on my bed in tears telling myself
"How could I?"
Sonic was so kind, funny, and understanding. Maria said gay and lesbian people are bad and aren't supposed to be here, but I don't think they're as bad as she told me they were.

I can't believe myself. I cried myself to sleep that night. Repeating the same sentence over and over and over. How could I?

Sonic's POV
It was morning but I wasn't coming out of my room. I wasn't going outside. I wasn't going to eat, and I definitely wasn't going to see Shadow at all. Tails kept begging me to let him in, but I pretended I didn't hear him.

How could Shadow have done something so horrible to me? Doesn't he understand how much courage it takes to admit to someone you're gay? Especially you rival. Doesn't he understand how much courage it takes to say 'I'm in love with you'? I'm supposed to hate Shadow, so why don't I?

It was already noon. Tails was trying to burst my door down, but he couldn't. Tails was begging me to open the door and talk to him. I just ignored him like before, knowing he would go away sooner or later. 5 minutes later, the banging on the door ceased, and Tails was gone.

Shadow's POV
I could hear Tails banging on my front door, asking (rather impolitely) if he could speak with me. I ignored. Usually people go away when I do. Tails was different, he stood there banging on my door for at least 25 minutes. Wow! Sonic's got a great Best Friend. I wish I could talk to Tails. Maybe he could help me sort this out, but I knew talking to Tails would mean I would have to tell him exactly what Sonic told me. I know I'm Sonic's rival, and I'm supposed to hate him, but I'll keep this one between him and I.

I told Sonic I hated him yesterday, but I didn't actually mean it. I don't hate him, it just came out. I actually want to be friends with Sonic, sadly I don't love him like he loves me. I just don't want to be friends with someone who's probably going to be too busy staring at me. Now that I think about it. What I said yesterday was kinda mean. Maybe I should've just told him I didn't feel the same way nicely, but I guess I let my anger get the best of me.

I want to talk to Sonic badly, but I know he'd never let me. He'd put a brick wall around himself to keep me out. I shouldn't have yelled at him, or said those awful words. Honestly I don't really know exactly why I did it.

Sonic's POV
I hope I get over this. I hope I'm not depressed forever, but I probably will be. What is life, if there's no love? What is love, if there's no life? I hope Shadow and I can still be friends, I couldn't stand to be rivals. Not anymore. It's either friends or nothing, but I probably couldn't stand not being around Shadow.

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