Maybe It's Not the End

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Shadow's POV
I started running, and before Sonic could jump I grabbed him and pulled him towards me. I could hear him screaming saying "I have to do this! Let me do this! There's no reason for me to live!"
I let him scream. For about five minutes we stayed like that. Finally though he stopped, and started to cry. I just held him closer, trying my best to comfort him. After staying like that for awhile, I gave Tails a call to tell him Sonic was alright.
"Shadow did you find anything?!?!"
"Yes, I found him and he's okay"
"Thank God!"
"We'll be coming home soon, okay?"
"Alright see you there"
Sonic was still curled up against me, and he didn't show any signs of letting go. So I picked him up (bridal style) and carried him home.

Sonic's POV
I can't believe Shadow stopped me. I was so close to being finally happy. I can't live anymore, I hate myself. Shadow refused to let me go, no matter how much I screamed for him to. Eventually I became too tired to fight, I let him pick me up and carry me home. Before we could get home I'm pretty sure I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up and saw Tails looking down on me. Then when he realized I was awake he hugged me. Then he started to yell at me.
"Sonic don't you ever try to kill yourself again!! You hear me!!"
"Yea, loud and clear"
I wasn't in the mood for talking, my butt and throat ached.
"Sonic are you okay?"
Shadow asked me, I'm not really sure why he cares. He said he hated me.
"Yea I'm fine"
"Okay, but maybe you should go and get some rest, okay?"
Tails suggested
"Yea sounds like a good idea"
I tried to walk to my room, but I couldn't walk too well. Curse those ass holes for rapping me. Shadow came over and helped me get to my room, after making sure I was okay, he left.

I was thinking over everything that happened today. I'm really not sure why Shadow would help someone like me. I mean nobody will care when they hear I got rapped. Everyone will say "I'm busy, but tell Sonic I feel bad for him" or something like that. I mean is everyone too busy for me? Or am I just not that important to my so called "friends". Tails is the only one whose shown me any concern. Well Shadow did just now, but still. By tomorrow he'll be back to his old self, not caring about me at all.

I looked at my alarm clock, and it said 3:00am, I knew I wasn't going to sleep. Even if I did I'd get haunted by the rapping anyway. I made my way to the bathroom (just an FYI Sonic has a bathroom in his room) and started looking in the cupboards for something. Then after searching for awhile, I found it. A razor. I made small cuts on my arms and watched the blood flow down into the sink. Then after the blood started to cease, I made the cuts deeper. After seeing the blood flow from those, I decided to stop. I didn't know how I was going to cover these up tomorrow, but I'd think of something.

Shadow's POV
It was 6:00am and I knew I wasn't going back to sleep. So I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I made my breakfast and sat at the table to eat. Then I pulled out my phone to check my emails and such. I was looking through my texts when I saw Sonic texted me at 3:00am. I read the text which said "hey Shadow, I'm sorry if I wake you up or anything, but I can't sleep. I keep thinking about everything that's happened and I NEED to talk to you. Text be back so we can schedule a time to talk."
I knew we could talk today so I texted him back saying "whenever you want to talk, just come to my house. I've got nothing planned for today"
I knew Sonic probably wasn't going to be up at 6:45am but he said to text him back. (I'm going by iPhones, okay) I could see Sonic had read it, and it had the bubble saying he was typing. He sent a text saying "okay, I'll come by at around noon. Maybe we can go out for lunch or something." I responded to him saying "sounds like a great idea, I'll pay" He read that text and said "alright, see you then, bye!" I texted him "bye" and continued to eat my breakfast.

I started thinking. Why didn't Amy try to help Sonic? Does she really even care about him? Where was she when he was locked up in his room? Maybe I'll ask Sonic about that. I really hope Sonic is doing better. I hope he doesn't try to do that again. I think I'm falling for that hedgehog. Maria is going to hate me, but for the first time in my whole life.
I don't care.

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