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I just want to say one quick thing before the story. Thanks for 1.33K people reading this story, that means a lot! This is my first story, and I'm glad you guys like it so much! Anyways now to what you came here for...
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Sonic's POV
The man kept creeping toward me, and I kept trying to undo the collar around my neck. I couldn't let this happen to me. Before I knew it the guy was on top of me, and he started touching me. I tried to push him off, but he was strong enough to keep me down. I tried to wiggle, but that didn't help me.

Shadow, please save me, please oh please, save me.

Shadow's POV
Everyone was getting tired of looking, even me, but I wasn't going to give up. I had to find my love, I will never give up until he's safe in my arms. I need him, I really need him. I just wish I would've known it sooner. Then all of this would've been avoided.

We searched for another hour until everyone just quit searching, but I didn't. I wasn't going to stop until he was back, safe, and in my arms. It's really hard being without him for so long, finally getting him back, and losing him all over again. Ugh!! When will this hell ever end!!

I continued to search for another five hours, and just when I felt like I would never find him, I found a clue. In the middle of a concrete slab, there was a cage. It was open and quite small. It was a clue because I found a blue fur, which could only belong to my love.

Right next to the concrete slab and cage, was a huge mansion like building. I decided to try and sneak in, hopefully I would find him soon.

Sonic's POV
The guy started to kiss me, and touch me all over. I wouldn't moan for him, I couldn't. I kept quiet, he kept touching and kissing me until he stopped suddenly. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was making his way to my dick. SHADOW GET YOU ASS TO ME NOW!!!

As he started to rub in between my legs I found it harder to not moan, but I had to keep it in. Just as I couldn't take it anymore, we heard a loud bang. The guy turned around quickly, and I opened my eyes. The door has been destroyed and there stood Shadow. THANK GOD!!

Shadow's POV
I stood shocked, there was a creepy dude, and he was fucking touching my boyfriend!!

He was going to rape him!!

He was going to die!!

I charged at him and started throwing punches. I hit him almost every time. I then picked him up by the throat and threw him into the wall. I grabbed his throat, pinned him to the wall and told him
"If you ever touch him again, I swear I will kill you!! I will make you suffer the worst way you possibly can!! I will make you die slow and painfully!! Now get out of my sight!!"

The guy ran as fast as he could. I walked over to Sonic, I undid his collar and took off the chains. Before I knew it, Sonic's lips were on mine, I gladly returned the kiss. I was glad he was safe, he was back with me, and I wasn't going to ever let him leave my sight again.

Sonic's POV
Shadow contacted our friends telling them he found me and I was okay. Then we headed home to my house. When we got there we both fell asleep very quickly, but even when we were asleep I felt protected. Shadow held me close the whole night. I bet if someone tried to pull me away again, he'd punch them. He'd punch them until they were too scared to even look at me or him.
• • •
We woke up the next morning to hear people outside my house. I could hear yelling and talking. I looked out my window and saw loads of people outside. They were holding cameras and papers. As soon as they saw me the cameras started flashing and people started yelling and screaming for me. I immediately closed the curtain. I looked over to Shadow, who'd probably woken up because of the people.
"I guess we won't be leaving."
He said
"Yea I guess so. So what do you want to then Shads?"
"Umm... Well we could start by eating breakfast."
"Haha! Yea!"

Shadow went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I took my shower and did other things until I heard Shadow calling me. We ate our breakfast quietly listening to the people outside. We had a really boring day! Basically all we did was watch movies and play video games.

Shadow's POV
A week has passed since Sonic and I admitted to being in a relationship. The paparazzi have continually gotten worse. We haven't left the house for awhile, and we needed to go out and get food. Seriously our dinner last night was anything we could find. Basically popcorn and fruit. Not much, but we didn't have anything, and leaving the house was not an option. This paparazzi thing needs to stop.

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