Broken Hearts and Broken Promises

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Shadow's POV
Eggman started flying away in defeat saying
"I'll be back!!"  I guess Sonic destroyed all the robots because I didn't hear anything. I looked Sonic's direction to see if he was okay. He was lying on the ground with a wound on his chest.

I ran towards him to see if he was awake, but he wasn't. I had tears falling down my face that I hadn't noticed until now. I put my ear to Sonic's chest to see if I could hear a heartbeat, nothing. I couldn't believe it. It's like everything hated me. Every time I loved someone they'd be taken from me. Sonic promised he wouldn't leave me, but he couldn't keep it.

Tails ran over after landing his plane and checked Sonic to find a pulse or a heartbeat. Tears started to fall down his face also. Sonic was gone, he was dead, and just like Maria I couldn't save him. I didn't know what to do, so I just held Sonic in my arms. Tears still falling down my face. Tails looked confused, but he didn't question it.

As I held Sonic, I could feel his lifelessness. The once happy hedgehog who could never stop taking and moving, laid quiet and still. The once deep blue fur I loved, was now dull and lifeless. Just like him. The emerald green eyes I could always get lost in, were no longer there. His eyes were forever shut, I would never see those beautiful eyes ever again.

What hurt the most was that I couldn't save him, I couldn't help him to keep his promise. I didn't save him, I didn't save Maria. Maybe I wasn't supposed to love. I promised myself today, that I would never love again, never ever.

Tails' POV
I didn't know why Shadow was crying, I thought he hated Sonic. I thought they hated each other. I was confused. Then Shadow held him, and it hit me. They loved each other. That's why Sonic was upset the night of the party. That's why Sonic refused to come out of his room. That's why Shadow wanted to help find Sonic. It all made sense now. I had to bring Sonic back, but how? Once someone's dead they're dead. Unless... No that won't work. I guess Sonic's gone for good then. I decided to break the silence and say something
"Shadow, we need to give him a proper burial."
"I know..."
"Can you let him go now?"
"Yea, I guess"
Shadow released Sonic, and I picked him up. I took Sonic to my lab to get him ready, but it was late. I should wait till tomorrow, so I told Shadow
"If you want you can bandage the wound, I'm going to bed. I'll prepare him tomorrow. Oh, and the bandages are in that cupboard" I pointed so he would know. Then I went to bed.

Shadow's POV
I bandaged up the wound on his chest and fell asleep right next to him. Something I'd always wanted to do, but I never got the chance while he was alive.

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