A Gleam of Hope

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Sonic's POV
It's been at least a month since the horrible incident between Shadow and I. I haven't seen anyone. Nor have I left my room, actually that would be a lie. I have left, but only at night to get food and water. Tails still hasn't noticed yet. Tails knocks on my door everyday now, and if I don't answer he'll start to pound on it and eventually go away. Unlucky for my door, I never answer. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a dent or two on that poor thing.

I don't really see the reason for life anymore. Nobody except Tails cares that I've locked myself up in my room. I've overheard Tails and Amy talking, and apparently she's found a new guy to obsess over. I've also overheard lots of news from the others.

Apparently Shadow isn't doing any better than I am. Rouge is doing G.U.N. missions again, this time without Shadow. Knuckles is too busy guarding the Master Emerald to even give a damn thought about me. Cream is hanging with her mom touring the world, lucky bunnies. (Ha, see what I did there! Okay anyway) Silver is with Blaze in some other city, they only come to visit occasionally. Leaving Tails the only one cares that I've been locked up in my room for a month now.

Shadow's POV
I can't believe it's been a month since the incident. I feel horrible. Absolutely miserable, but I guess people are so used to seeing me alone, they don't care to notice my behavior. I hope everyone's trying their absolute hardest to cheer Sonic up.

I hope he has a boyfriend now that cares for him, or maybe a girlfriend. Now that I've said that, some part of me would hate to see him with another guy or girl. Am I developing feelings for that faker?!?!

Sonic's POV
I started to think up a plan. I was thinking of ways to escape this life. I mean honestly do you think anyone would care? No. Tails would get over it, he got over Cosmo. (Yes bringing SonicX into this, don't judge) I planned to get away in about a week, to see if things would change. If they didn't, then I was leaving.

In the mean time, I had to get out of my room. So I unlocked the door, and walked into the hallway. Tails was just coming up to my door when he ran and hugged me. After almost suffocating me he said
"Sonic I'm so glad you're okay"
"Me too Tails"
"So everything's okay now?"
"I guess so, yea"
But Tails didn't know what was really going on inside. I was suffering, and nobody knew it.
"Tails I think I'm going to talk a walk, get some fresh air"
"Okay Sonic, be back before nightfall though"
"Alright lil' buddy, see ya!"
And with that I was off.

Shadow's POV
I had taken a small nap. I had the weirdest dream though. It had something to do with Maria warning me about gays and lesbians. I didn't care too much about it though.

When I woke up I looked over at my alarm clock and it said 6:00pm. I need to eat dinner, but before I even made it to the kitchen there was a soft knock on my door. I knew there was no use ignoring it so I opened the door. It was Tails.
"Shadow I just wanted to let you know Sonic's up and out of his room. If you want to talk to him about what happened, now would be a good time. Like not right now though, he went for a walk, but maybe tomorrow you two should talk. Maybe you can sort all this out."
This was certainly nice to hear, but I highly doubted Sonic wanted to even see me again. I didn't want to burst Tails' bubble though. He looked so happy now that Sonic was up and about again. I couldn't destroy another persons' happiness.
"Thank you Tails, I'll consider talking to him."
"Okay then Shadow, I'll be going now. There's lots to do in my lab so, yea. Bye!!"

Maybe I could talk to Sonic. Maybe everything was going to be okay. Maybe Sonic and I could work things out. On the other hand. Maybe I couldn't talk to Sonic. Maybe everything wasn't going to be okay. Maybe Sonic and I wouldn't sort this out. Oh gosh, this was going to be a long night.

Sonic's POV
It felt good to run again, feeling the wind in my face, Smelling the wonderful outside air. It was simply amazing! I guess that took my Mind off my depression for a little while. That was until I saw a group of bullies, 6 to be exact. I decided to keep walking and ignore them, honestly I should've ran.
"Hey you!" One of them said clearly talking to me. I looked at them not saying a word.
"Yea you!" Another said forcefully. I didn't know what to do so I said
"What do you want?" Okay that came out a little more scared than I thought it would. Hopefully they don't notice.
"Aww is the poor kid scared"
"How about you just leave me alone, okay?"
I started to walk away, until one of them said
"Why should we, you're looking great tonight"
I couldn't say anything, at that moment I knew what they wanted. I couldn't run though. There was nowhere to go.
"C'mon boys, let's get him."
Suddenly they were all on me, before I even had time to react and run. Two guys grabbed my arms, while another two grabbed my legs and spread them apart. I tried my best to close the gap, or at least free something, but I couldn't. I was trapped, with no way out. I didn't know what to do. For the first time, I was scared.

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