Immortal Lovers

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Before I start, Sonic is out of the hospital now, and he's back to normal. Sonic and Shadow got back together. However Sonic still has no idea what happened to him.

Sonic's POV
I was running and I was running fast, I couldn't believe Shadow had said that. I just couldn't. He said that we were breaking up, he even called me faker. That kinda hurt. My heart felt like it was crushed into pieces. I ran into the forest and sat next to my favorite tree, the one by the cliff.

I had been hours and I just sat there crying my fucking eyes out. Then a man came up to me and grabbed me by the throat, I struggled to get away. Then he started punching me and said
"Shadow can't save you now!! Muahahaha"

Then a gang of men came out, they all started punching me, kicking me, and hitting me with pieces of wood. I was crying and then I saw a familiar face. It was Shadow!! I cried out for him to help me. After seconds of him watching me being beat, he told them to stop.

To my surprise, they listened, Shadow grabbed a piece of wood from one of the guys and walked towards me. Then he started to hit me!! Shadow started to hit me with the piece of wood. As he was hitting me he said
"I never loved you faker, it was all I lie, I must say, it was fun playing with your emotions. Too bad you'll never find love! Hahaha!"

This only made me cry harder as he continued beating me. Then the rest of the gang joined in...


I woke up sweating and screaming, and Shadow was by my side faster than you could say his name. He was hugging me telling me everything was okay. I put my arms around him and just cried into his chest. At that moment I knew exactly how I was beaten up.

"Shadow I remember now..."
"You remember what?"
"How I got beaten up"
"How? Can you tell me?"
"Yes, I was sitting next to that tree wondering if I did anything wrong, wondering if it was my fault we broke up. Then these men came out and started beating me saying you couldn't save me this time. They beat me, insulted me, and even threatened me. I remember I just let it happen, I was too weak to fight back. Then one man punched me in the side of the head, and everything went black. I'm not sure what happened after that. I woke up and about five minutes after waking up, I saw you. You know what happened after that though"
"So how did you remember?"
"My nightmare was very close to that experience, except you were beating me too" After saying that I broke down in tears.

After five minutes of me crying Shadow said
"Sonic, I'd never hurt you, I really regret breaking up with you before, and I'm still deeply sorry I hurt you like that"
"I forgive you Shads"
Then we kissed passionately. A kiss never felt so good. I couldn't wait to see the paparazzi's faces when they realize they will NEVER split Shadow and I apart.


The next day I woke up and checked my Twitter, and people were talking about our breakup. Saying things like
"Yay!! I'm glad they aren't together anymore!"
"Shadow and Sonic?! A couple?! Eww!! I'm glad the living horror movie is over!"
"Sonic is gay?! And loved Shadow?! I knew they wouldn't last!"

I tweeted back saying
"You guys are NEVER going to split Shadow and I apart!! We're back together now and we will love each other forever and always, and don't get smart with me saying I'm going to die someday!! We're immortal! Deal with it bitches!! I'll be here forever, and Shadow will always have all my love!"
I also was saw Shadow had said something also, he said
"You guys really need to find something better to do with your time. Sonic and I are perfectly happy, we got back together, and you won't EVER split us apart again. How would you feel if I was hating on you and your Boyfriend/Girlfriend because I didn't like it!! You wouldn't be happy. Also thanks to   Ava Wilkinson   for standing up for us, we really appreciate it"
(I don't actually have a Twitter though, I just put myself in there)

I looked back to find out who this "Ava Wilkinson" was. I read hate tweets and saw she tweeted at them standing up for us. So I tweeted again saying
"Big thanks to  Ava Wilkinson!! I appreciate it!"
I was glad we had one fan that wasn't a hater.


Shadow and I had a boring day, we didn't feel like doing anything.

As we slept at night I could only think one thing.
   I will love Shadow forever and always, I will love him even with his many mistakes. Nobody will ever split us apart again. We've both made sure of that.

I have truly found someone who loves me, and who knew It'd be my rival. Who knew I'd love my rival. I know exactly who did. Fate.
       That's who...

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