eleven // three isn't always a crowd

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sorry for the extremely long wait but here's chapter eleven


when harry woke up the next morning, he was full of glee. he had a skip in his step and a smile on his face that could possibly be contagious. harry got ready quickly and was out the door and on his way to school in no time. the first thing he saw when he pulled into a parking space was louis waiting for him, sitting down on the stairs. he quickly jumped out and locked his car before walking over to the boy he can finally call his boyfriend. louis stood up as soon as he saw the curly haired boy and a smile soon spread through his face that reached his eyes. harry was certain his face looked the same.

"good morning, curly." louis said first quickly kissing his new boyfriend on the cheek. harry smiled even wider, if that was even possible, and greeted him back with a quick kiss on the lips. "morning, life saver. sleep well?" louis laughed and nodded while wrapping an arm around harry's waist. "can i walk you to class?" harry smiled in response and the two started making their way to harry's english class.


"hey, harold! i have a proposition for you." harry turned his head to the sound of his best friends voice and sighed. "what is it, niall?" niall took a seat on harry's desk and folded his hands together before speaking. "how would you like to have the opportunity to be my sister's boyfriend for the week!" niall exclaimed with a smile on his face. "i'm gay, niall." harry responded bluntly. 

niall sighed and frowned before nodding in acceptance. "i know but my sister's looking for a boy she can take to this camp thing over the weekend and you're the only other attractive boy i know besides me so" harry nodded slowly before patting niall on the shoulder. "thanks but no thanks and i appreciate the half assed compliment" niall crossed his arms and glared slightly at his best friend. "it's not half assed if you mean it, harold" harry chuckled before going back to doing his school work. "m'names not harold, blondie." niall laughed and walked back to his seat before the teacher could scold him.


"so, curly, i was wondering if you and your friend, niall would like to go bowling today after class. i figured it would be about time we all hang out and i get my rematch from last time." louis says once harry sits down with their equipment for today's class. "sounds good. i'm sure niall is free and i'm ready to beat you so" harry responds with a smirk on his face. louis shoves him lightly before kissing him on the cheek. "whatever, curly"

when the final bell rings, harry and louis gather their things and go out to the hallway where they see niall already waiting as usual. "hey niall, wanna go bowling with me and louis? louis' paying of course" harry laughs and louis shoves him for the second time that day. niall agrees responding that he has nothing else to do for the rest of the day. he notices the that they are touching more than usual but decides to question harry about that when louis' not around them. "great! there's a bowling place not that far from here and not that expensive either." louis says while glaring jokingly at harry. the three of them laugh before they make their way out of the building.


"another strike for mr. horan! and the crowd erupts in cheers!" niall thrusts his arms in the air while adding sound effects with his mouth. louis and harry roll their eyes and tell niall to sit down in unison which causes the couple to laugh. it's louis' turn and harry shouts words of discouragement which results in a laugh from niall and an obscene gesture from louis which harry responds to by forming a heart with his hands. 

"it is louis tomlinson's turn to bowl will he fail for the fifth time this night or will he finally succeed in rolling successfully? the ball is rolling and oh, oh, oh! it is a gutter ball! louis tomlinson walks back to his seat in despair once again this has been a horrible game for lou- OW!" niall is cut off from his commentating when louis pushes him off the seat he's sitting in. harry laughs and niall gets up with a frown on his face and a bruise forming on his butt. "fuck you both." 

when harry's turn to bowl is up he rolls a strike which earns a groan from both niall and louis and a hushed murmur of the words "show off" that harry guesses is louis. the game ends with the score of 225, 78, and 180, harry being the winner much to niall and louis' dismay. they go outside after they've returned their bowling shoes and harry has a pack of sour patch kids in his hand that niall is mostly eating. "this was fun. we should all hang out more often" harry says with a nod of agreement from louis and a short nod from niall who's face is stuffed with candy.

 "i have to head home i promised crystal i would help her with her pre-calc homework" louis says with a slight frown on his face. "i had fun tonight i'm 100% positive harry cheated but i'll let it slide." niall laughs and harry rolls his eyes jokingly. "i'll see you guys later" louis waves and winks at harry before walking away to his car leaving niall and harry alone in the parking lot. "hey harold? can i ask you a question?" niall asks harry with a mouth full of sour patch kids and harry just nods to keep him from laughing. "are you and louis like dating? you guys have been flirting with your eyes all night and it's kind of freaking me out" harry laughs and nods which causes niall to raise an eyebrow.

"since when?" niall hands back the sour patch kids to harry which now contains about five pieces and harry just sighs while looking at niall. "he asked me yesterday which made me choke and i was offered a free gift card from an employee it was all very romantic" niall makes a confused face and nods slowly. "okay then. shall we head back to our homes?" niall links his arm with harry's once harry nods and they both make their way to their cars.

when harry gets home, he finds gemma asleep on the couch and grabs a blanket from the closet before draping it over his sister and heading upstairs to his room. he changes out of his clothes and lays down in his bed, falling asleep to the image of louis' smile that's ingrained in his head.

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