four // questions questions and more questions

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wow okay i'm a horrible updater. i'm super super sorry i've been procrastinating a lot and i was going to update on friday but things came up and then my birthday was saturday wow wow wow okay im sorry. here's chapter four pls pls pls enjoy and vote and comment and yeah :-)


louis. zayn. louis and zayn. louis and zayn together. that's all that's been running through harry's mind recently. he can't believe his best friend since birth has dated the beautiful blue-eyed boy that has harry's knees go weak and his heart skip a beat. harry snaps out of his thoughts when he sees the familiar grey building and pulls into the parking lot to find a parking space. when he finds one fairly close to the entrance, he grabs his black bag and climbs out of his car. when he locks it, twice just to make sure it's locked, he enters the school and makes his way to his first class which just happens to be his favorite; english. he takes his usual seat in the second to last row in the back and sits down, dropping his bag by his feet. not even five seconds later, does he see his blonde-haired friend, niall, walk in. he high-fives some people and flips off one before placing himself next to harry.

"harry! you came early! i'm usually the one waiting for you" niall laughs and harry nods, smiling. "wanted to be a little wild today, niall" harry replies causing niall to laugh harder. "you're truly the joker, man. classic" harry smiles proudly to himself and thanks niall for the compliment. niall simply nods and changes the subject. "so, i have a question" harry looks over at him and motions for him to continue. "do you like louis?" harry's eyes widen and niall bites his lip nervously. "louis? as in louis tomlinson?" niall raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes "no. louis as in louis walsh? of course louis tomlinson, you idiot!" harry glares at niall and crosses his arms in defense. "i am in no way an idiot." harry whines and niall rolls his eyes again before speaking "do you or do you not like louis tomlinson?" harry shrugs and looks down at his converse "i mean maybe? i don't even know the kid for crying out loud. barely even spoken a whole five sentences to him. why?" harry looks at niall and the blonde shrugs, turning to face the front.

"you've just been staring at him a lot recently i just figured he must've sparked something" niall replies and harry nods his head. "oh"


"gym should be fucking banned from schools. why is gym a requirement?" niall groans and harry chuckles, shaking his head. "dunno, man. it's sometimes fun though, right? at least we don't have to do push-ups and chin-ups" harry replies, standing up from tying his shoes. "yeah, i guess but we sweat and sweat is disgusting" niall scrunches up his nose in disgust and harry laughs. "you're acting like my sister, niall. we can always shower afterwords so it's not like it's the end of the world." niall nods, agreeing with harry. they make their way out of the locker room and to the gymnasium where the rest of the class are. their coach is going over the rules of the sport they're about to play when someone taps harry from behind. harry turns around and is met with a boy who has blonde hightlights and a cute nose, harry thinks. "you're the new kid, right? you came like last week?" cute nose asks him and harry nods, confused. "shit, right i forgot you don't know who i am. i'm calum hood nice to meet you." he sticks out his hand for harry to shake and harry accepts it, introducing himself.

"hood! styles! i suggest you two quit chatting unless you want to do five laps around the track!" their coach yells at them, causing everyone to look at the pair and harry's cheek to turn red. "sorry, coach! just making new friends" cute nose, now known as calum, replies and the coach rolls his eyes before continuing with the rules. "sorry about that. coach is a real pain, huh?" calum laughs and harry agrees, nodding. "i must seem like a complete weirdo randomly speaking to you but i swear i'm not crazy. i'm in your biology class? i sit like three rows behind you." calum explains and harry nods, understanding. "oh yeah, yeah. you're partnered with that green haired girl, right?" harry asks and calum's eyes widen before he bursts out laughing. fortunately, the coach is in the back getting out equipment to hear. "oh god that's hilarious! i think im crying, jesus!" calum says, wiping a finger under his eye.

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