ten // life savers

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if there is one thing that harry actually likes, it's running laps. wait, cross that it's running in general. he loves the energy that runs through his body when he runs. he loves the pain in his legs and the beat of his rapid heart against his chest. he loves everything about it. he doesn't love running with people who complain about running while still running, it makes no sense. which, by the way, is half of gym class and he hates to say it but, niall is one of those people. niall barely runs the laps he usually just fakes an injury or distracts coach with some plan of his that usually doesn't work. harry groans when he hears yet another one of niall's complaints and he sighs heavily. 

"what's wrong, bro? oh did you get one of those cramps people get when running? i hate those man feels like someone's trying to eat you from the inside." harry nods his head yes, lying and niall wraps an arm around his shoulders. "do you want me to walk you over to coach? he'll most likely have you sent to the nurse." harry turns his head to face him and shakes his head. "i think i'll just walk it off maybe walk the rest of the lap. you can fake a cramp, though. you know to get out of running." niall gasps and slaps harry on the back. "genius! you're a pure  genius!" niall exclaims while fake limping over to coach causing harry to sigh in relief.

he starts running again and catches calum only a few feet ahead of him. he makes his way towards him and calum greets him. "was wondering when you were gonna finally catch up to me. disappointed at the time it took, to be honest." harry laughs and shakes his head, looking at him. "please, i'm much faster than you, hood" calum laughs, nodding his head knowing harry's right. "of course you are, i've seen you play football you're a beast." harry thanks him and calum just nods in response. "how have you been? your girlfriend doing good?" calum looks at him and smiles. "steph? yeah she's doing great. she made it on the lacrosse team and she's ecstatic." harry raises an eyebrow in confusion and replies. "lacrosse? didn't know people enjoyed playing that sport" calum nods and walks over to coach along with harry. "yeah, she loves it. hopes to play it professionally one day. be an athlete" harry nods and hums in response. 

they make their way into the gym where they see a few other students talking on the bleachers. harry spots niall and makes his way over after saying bye to calum. he sits down in front of niall who's on his phone, not noticing harry. "must be texting someone important to not even realize i just sat down." niall jumps slightly and looks up to see his best friend. "jesus, harry. could've given me a warning or something." harry laughs and leans over to see niall's phone. "who's bella? your lover?" harry asks, rasing an eyebrow in amusement. niall rolls his eyes and looks back down at his phone. "my sister." harry stifles a laugh and scratches the back of his neck. "well, that''s awkward"


"you know, you've never really told me anything about your family or about you in general." harry states looking at niall. niall shrugs and stuffs a handful of fries in his mouth. "what's there to know? i'm 17, i used to live in chicago, i now live in casper, and i'm smoking hot." he shrugs and harry scrunches up his nose in disgust realizing niall responded with his mouth full. "first, don't speak with your mouth full and second, you are not smoking hot." niall shakes his head in disagreement and crosses his arms. "that is false. i have all the ladies falling at my feet" harry raises an eyebrow and looks around the cafeteria before responding. "is that so? cause i see no ladies falling at your feet whatsoever right now" niall glares at his best friend and continues eating his fries causing harry to laugh. "but honestly, tell me about yourself. i feel like i have nothing to use against you and that's horrible" niall laughs and turns around in his chair to face harry.

"i have a sister and a brother named bella and adam. they're both in college somewhere that's nowhere near casper. my parents aren't divorced but they don't live with each other because of work situations which makes it extremely stressful for everyone. i speak spanish and german and i once peed my pants on santa clause and my mom has it on video."

"i learned to drive when i was 14 and didn't have a car until last year. my mom works at a law firm and my dad is an athlete recruiter causing him to move a whole bunch. i used to have a dog but he got cancer and he passed away. r.i.p lucky. my middle name is james and i'm in love with high school musical." harry raises an eyebrow in confusion. "your dogs name was lucky?" niall nods and chuckles. "ironic, huh?" harry nods slowly and laughs. "i didn't mean for all that, niall. i just meant the basics like your favorite color or band or something." his best friend shrugs and stands up from his seat walking over to the trash, dumping the rest of his lunch, before walking back over to the curly haired boy. "should've been more specific. now, let's get to class before rush hour. god knows i hate rush hour."


"so then my mom yells at violet for buying it and then lucas comes in and tries to defend her, right? and my mom grounds him! can you believe it? grounds him, harry! god, it was amazing. you had to be there to experience it." louis laughs and harry smiles, chuckling. "i bet. but i mean did violet have to return it or?" louis shakes his head "nah, she had already worn it so there was no way but mom has her on store lock down. she can't go anywhere that sells lingerie or anything of the sort. violet's pissed." harry laughs and shakes his head. "that's ridiculous. violet should be able to wear whatever she wants. she's 18 not 12." louis nods in agreement and they towards louis' car when niall walks up to them. "harry! i was looking for you!" niall exclaims when he reaches them and harry apologizes. "i can't come over. my grandma's visiting and i have to set up the guest room. rain check?" harry frowns but nods his head, understanding. "yeah, of course. text me when you can, though." niall nods and waves bye before jogging over to his car.

"damn, he was my ride home. i'm gonna have to wak." harry states, turning around to face louis again. "bullshit, i'll drive you home." louis offers but before harry can deny, louis shushes him. "nope. i'm driving you home whether you like it or not. deal with it." louis states and harry smiles wide. "thanks, louis. i appreciate it." louis shrugs and smiles. "you wanna go to starbucks or something? i don't really feel like leaving you so early." harry blushes and nods, looking down. louis smiles and they climb inside his car.


"you know what really freaks me out? those ball thingys that move when it hits another ball and goes back and forth like this" louis chuckles when harry attempts to imitate what he's talking about. he smiles and shakes his head in adoration. "you're adorable, harry styles." harry shakes his head in disagreement and blushes, grabbing his drink. "what? no way. no." he puts the straw in his mouth, drinking and louis smiles sightly. "god, i want you to be my boyfriend." louis does not expect harry to start choking but he does and louis has no idea what to do. "shit, fuck. harry breathe! swallow! fuck, i dont know! stop choking!" a waitress rushes over when she hears louis yelling and harry starts drinking again, causing him to stop choking.

"shit, harry. are you okay?" louis asks still in shock and harry nods, trying to calm himself down. "sir, are you alright? i apologize this happened to you. i'll give you a free gift card amount of your choice. i apologize." harry shakes his head and tells her it's not neccessary for which she nods in reply to and walks away. "a free gift card? you almost died and they wanted to give you a free gift card!? bullshit." harry laughs and louis stands up, reaching for harry's hand. "cmon, i'll drive you home." harry stands up and grabs louis' hand, smiling as they walk over to louis' car in the parking lot.

when louis stops in front of harry's house, harry thanks him before walking up to his door. louis watches as harry enters his house and he's about to drive off when harry suddenly runs outside and up to louis' car. louis jumps slightly when the door opens and harry climbs inside. "jesus, harry! scared me half-" louis' cut off when harry grabs louis' shirt and kisses him. louis kisses back immediately and wraps his arms around harry. harry pulls away, breathing heavily and smiles at the blue-eyed boy. "yes." harry says causing louis to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "what?" louis responds and harry laughs slightly.

"yes, i'll be your boyfriend." harry bites his lip, smiling slightly and louis smirks, pulling harry in for a kiss one more time. harry kisses him back and whines when louis pulls away, causing him to laugh. "is this because i saved your life when you were choking?" harry shakes his head in amusement and steps outside of his car. louis rolls down the window and harry smiles. "i'll see you tomorrow, life saver" harry winks and jogs back inside his house. louis runs his hands over his face, smiling before driving home.

forever [larry stylinson] HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now