nine // catch up and ketchup

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it's been a month since i last updated wow.


"sit down" is the first thing that harry hears when he enters the kitchen on the morning after his date with louis. he's still a bit hazy from his sleep he just woke up from but he recognizes the voice as gemma and the voice doesn't seem so kind. harry sits down on the couch in the living room and yawns causing gemma to yawn after him.

"so, harry, i have a question or more like a request." gemma says to her brother and harry looks at her with a stern look. "i will not get you tampons from the quicky-picky mart again. it was awkward and traumatized me. did you know that? i am forever traumatized." gemma rolls her eyes at harry and crosses her arms. "no, i'm not asking you to get me tampons anymore. you got the wrong brand anyways" harry's starts saying something but gemma puts her hand up to shush him. it works.

"i want to know what happened during the date last night. you came home pretty late last night and i just want to make sure you're being safe" harry sits up at her comment and basically yells when he responds with "i'm not having sex with him! jeez, sis" gemma puts her hands up in defense and shrugs responding "it's a sister thing".

harry slides down the couch and crosses his arm in an embarrassed matter and gemma chuckles. "do you mind telling me the details about what happened? did you have fun? did he ask you out to another date?" harry smiles shyly and gemma squeals, scooting closer to her brother. "we went bowling and i won, of course. we went outside and since i was shivering from the cold, he gave me his jacket and then he drove me home and kissed me goodnight. god it was amazing, gemma" harry purposely decides to leave out the part about louis smoking to avoid the reaction he knows he'll get if he tells his sister.

gemma smiles widely and ruffles harry's hair causing him to shriek and move away from her. "so, do you like him? like do you think you see a relationship forming? he obviously likes you i mean he kissed you and boys don't kiss people they don't like." gemma says in a matter-of-fact tone and harry shrugs, smiling. "i don't know, i mean, i don't know maybe? he was so sweet and he's so beautiful, gemma you have no idea." gemma laughs at her brother's comments about his crush and responds. "he seems beautiful i wish i had a man like yours" she winks at him and harry makes a disturbed face telling his sister to never wink at him again.

gemma stands up and walks over to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and taking out ingredients to make a sandwich. "you want a sandwich or something? i don't feel like cooking on a stove so early" harry laughs slightly and joins her into the kitchen before responding that it's only ten in the morning. harry takes out the things he likes inside his sandwich along with ketchup. "ketchup? you put ketchup in your sandwiches now?" gemma asks and harry nods, shutting the fridge and turning to the counter. "it's actually good. robin introduced me to this marvelous creation" harry responds grabbing the butter to spread on his bread. 

"ketchup? let me see this" gemma grabs the ketchup from harry's hands and harry yells and attempts to grab it back from her. "be careful! it's open! gemma give it back!" harry reaches over and reaches out for the bottle when gemma jumps back and ketchup accidentally shoots out and lands on harry dirtying his clothes and face and even landing in his hair. "fuck, gemma look what you did!" gemma covers her mouth with her hand and attempts to control her laughter, putting the bottle of ketchup down. "shit, im sorry harry. i didn't know it was gonna pop out like that" gemma grabs a napkin and wipes off some of the red liquid on her brothers face.

"you fucking suck, gem"


harry comes out of the shower, rubbing his wet hair with a towel to get it dry with another towel wrapped around his waist. he walks into his room and changes quickly before jogging downstairs and entering the kitchen. he spots gemma cleaning the foor where some ketchup had landed on apart from him. he smiles at his sister and she responds with a fake smile and sticking up the middle finger, causing harry to laugh and shake his head. "you know, it wasn't my fault you squeezed the bottle" gemma glares at her brother and harry just laughs again before plopping himself on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. 

his phone vibrates in his pocket and he pulls out, reading a text from zayn. 

wnna hng out? im bord nd mi mom is threting me w gng 2 the bk cleb w hr

harry's about to reply when another text comes in and he almost laughs out loud.


out of all the spelling mistakes in that text he decides to correct club. harry shakes his head and responds by answering with a simple yeah.


"you really need to work on your spelling skills, malik. took me about an hour to decode the text" zayn chuckles at harry's statement and harry drapes an arm around his best friend. "you still understood what i was saying though, huh?" zayn nudges at harry and harry laughs, nodding. "you wanna go eat somewhere? my sister ruined my eating plans by spraying ketchup in my hair" zayn looks at the boy next to him as if he's crazy and he laughs. "i was wondering why it smelled like that, actually. thought you had some weird deodorant and decided not to say anything."

"jackass! you were gonna let me walk smelling like a tomato smoothie this whole day!" harry shoves zayn and zayn shoves him back, laughing. harry points out a little diner that's not that far of a walk from where they are and zayn agrees, heading towards the place.

they're sitting down with milkshakes in their hands and fries in the middle of the two when zayn speaks up. "you know it's normal to dip fries into your milkshake?" zayn asks harry picking up a fry and covering it in his chocolate milkshake at the same time. "i did, actually. i've never tried it before though seems a bit gross, no?" zayn shakes his head and shoves the fry into his mouth, closing his eyes at the fantastic taste which has harry chuckling at his friend. harry picks up the fry and does the same before hesitating with putting it in his mouth.

"oh c'mon, harry! it's fantastic just do it!" harry looks at zayn before biting into the milkshake covered fry and tasting the new found deliciousness. "this is such a weird combination" harry states before picking up another fry and it's zayn's turn to laugh when harry closes his eyes.

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