twelve // reunited and it doesn't feel so good

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wow i can't believe this story hit 2k reads thank you so much im sorry for the long waits school really sucks. here's chapter twelve enjoy :)


to say that harry was surprised to find zayn in his kitchen the next morning is an understatement. he was scared shitless to see the, now dyed blonde, boy searching through his cabinets. "what the fuck are you doing here?!" harry yelled out in surprise when he walked into the kitchen. zayn jumped slightly and turned around but smiled when he saw his best friend standing in the entrance. "what? i can't say hello to my best friend?" harry rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. "why didn't you tell me you were coming over? i have school" harry stated before making his way around the boy. 

"i told gemma i guess she forgot to mention it to you" zayn answers with a shrug and harry sighs, pulling out the milk carton before setting it down on the counter. "don't you have school today?" zayn shakes his head at harry's question and harry raises an eyebrow. "decided to take the day off can't handle Ms. Peterson's shit in the morning" harry laughs as he pours his milk into a bowl followed by his cereal. he hears a gasp and turns around to find zayn with a frown on his face.

"what?" harry asks and zayn just stares at him, much to the curly haired boy's discomfort. "i cant believe you pour your milk before your cereal. what are you? a satanist?" harry laughs and sits down at the kitchen island, zayn following suit. "so harry, gemma told me you have a special someone in your life?" harry nods quickly, mouth to full to speak and zayn wiggles his eyebrows silently asking who. harry stifles a laugh and swallows before responding with louis' name. zayn's eyes widened and harry suddenly remembers zayn's history with louis, mentally cursing at himself. "l-louis? as in louis tomlinson?" harry slowly nods, quickly getting up and emptying the rest of the bowl's contents into the sink. "how'd you two.. uh get together?" zayn asks with hesitance and harry doesn't miss the way zayn's mouth slightly twitches with the question. "uh it's a really long story and i'm going to be late for school so-" zayn cuts him off with a nod and harry quickly makes his way upstairs to change. when harry comes back down, zayn's gone and he sighs before grabbing his bag and leaving for school.


"harold!" harry looks up at the sound of niall's voice and his eyebrows furrow when he sees the distress his best friend is in. "are you okay? what happened?" niall's bent over, catching his breath, when he finally reaches harry and holds up a finger signaling for him to wait. after a good 30 seconds pass, niall's face finally goes from red back to his pale complexion and harry raises an eyebrow in question. "i forgot that my human biology project is due tomorrow and i haven't started on it!" niall exclaims, worry clearly written all over his face. 

harry sighs and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. "is that really why you ran all the way across the hall to english for?" harry asks, shaking his head in disbelief. niall just pouts and harry sighs once again, not being able to resist his best friend. "fine. i'll help you with it. what is it about?" niall's smile is so wide that harry scoots his chair back a bit but finds himself grinning as well. "it has to do with fear and blood pressure and you're going to have to come over after school if i want to get at least a C on this" niall's smile is full of hope that harry can't find himself to second guess his decision and just nods and waves him off 


"so, curly, you have any plans for tonight? crystal has this sleepover thing today and i really don't want to be stuck in a house full of teenage girls raging with hormones." louis laughs and harry can't help but smile at the beautiful noise. "can't. niall procrastinated on his biology project and i'm his test subject" harry chuckles slightly and louis groans at the thought of being alone in his house with girls. "he can't find anyone else? i really  don't want to be the only male at my house today." harry raises an eyebrow in confusion at louis. 

"what about liam and lucas? what are they doing?" louis runs a hand through his hair in slight frustration and harry does not  find it the hottest thing to exist on planet earth. "they're out on some art museum trip with my dad that i was not invited on" louis says with a shrug and harry chuckles. "wasn't invited on or just said no to but now regrets it?" louis slightly glares at the curly haired boy and harry laughs, kissing his boyfriend's pout away. "don't worry. it's just one night. you'll survive somehow." harry says as the final bell rings.

harry doesn't have time to say goodbye to louis before he's being dragged away by niall to the parking lot and a quick shout of "you can make out tomorrow!" which harry quickly registers it coming out of niall. he also doesn't see zayn leaning against the stairs as he steps into niall's car. 


louis -

when louis walks out of the school, he's surprised to feel an arm stop him from his movements and even more surprised to see zayn malik standing in front of him. it takes him a moment for him to process that yes, this is actually zayn malik, the one that tore his heart out and stepped on it but most importantly, zayn malik, the boy louis tomlinson absolutely detests. zayn seems to notice the hatred burning inside of louis and loosens his grip on louis' arm but doesn't release completely. "trust me, i don't want to see you either." louis' quickly taken aback at how different  zayn sounds but he doesn't let it show and only responds with pure hatred laced in his voice. 

"so then why don't you just leave? i know that's what you're good at doing" louis thinks he sees something flash across zayn's eyes but it's too quick for louis to register what it was. "look, im not here to fight with you. i know you're dating harry." louis' face quickly goes from to anger to confusion as he hears the words fall out of zayn's mouth. "harry? what does this have to do with harry?" zayn looks around quickly and faces louis, his voice low as he speaks. "can we talk somewhere that's not in the middle of a parking lot?" louis looks around to see some students blantly staring at the two and he quickly nods and leads them to his car.


they're inside of a coffee shop that they both deemed as safe just in case the other tries to pull something. they're sitting in a booth towards the back of the shop, zayn with a coffee in front of him and louis with a muffin. it's quiet until louis speaks to break the awkward silence. "i see you dyed your hair. it suits you." zayn raises an eyebrow at the brown haired boy and scoffs. "cut the crap, louis. we both know we hate each other." louis scowls and zayn doesn't miss the way louis' hand slowly formed into a fist. "why are you here?" louis asks and zayn takes a sip of his coffee before sitting back and answering. "have you told him?" louis' eyebrows raise in confusion but he quickly understands what zayn's implying and shakes his head slightly. "no i haven't and it's none of your business." zayn scoffs and leans forward slightly. "none of my business? harry's my best friend of course it's my fucking business!" louis flinches slightly at zayn's voice but zayn doesn't seem to notice. 

"does he know anything about you? do you know anything about him?" zayn questions and louis' hands ball into fists to try to prevent him for hitting the boy in front of him. "no. i haven't told him anything. i'm planning on keeping it that way." zayn laughs but there's no humor in it. "you don't plan on telling him? so what? you're just going to keep lying to harry? what if he starts asking questions? what if the other students start asking him questions? what are you going to do then huh? make up some bullshit story? just like you did with me?" 

zayn can see that louis is trying to hold back his anger as he closes his eyes and breathes out heavily. "it isn't any of your business what i tell harry." louis replies calmly and that's what sets zayn off. "goddamit louis!" zayn shouts as he slams his fist down on the table which turns some heads and zayn quickly apologizes but his anger is still clearly shown on his face as he turns back to louis. "i will not let you hurt this boy, louis. he's fragile and he's been through a lot in his life." louis sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "i'm not going to hurt him." zayn just shakes his head and stands up, throwing a few bills on the table before facing louis. "then tell him the truth before someone else does and he actually does get hurt." zayn leaves, causing louis to sit alone in the booth thinking about zayn's words.

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