five // pantless friends and siblings

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merry christmas eve!


"hey! harry!" harry turns his head around to the direction of his name being called and he smiles slightly when he sees it's the boy from the other day, calum. calum walks up to him and pats harry's back as a greeting. harry stands up properly from tying his shoes and returns the greeting but with awkwardness in his actions. "how ya doing, man?" calum asks with a smile which harry comes to realize he quite likes. "i'm fine, yeah and you?" calum nods and replies with an enthusiastic "great!"

"how was your second year anniversary with um samantha?" harry asks, his voice rising a bit at the uncertainty of the name. calum raises an eyebrow and his lips twitch up in a slight smile. "you mean stephanie? it was great, yeah. she got us tickets to see the killers! i've never screamed so loud before" calum states causing harry to laugh a bit. calum opens his mouth to say something but another voice speaks. "harry! you completely ditched me back there!" harry recognizes the strong chicago accent that belongs to niall.

he turns around and his eyes almost burst out of their sockets when he sees his best friend running up to him a hand pulling up his gym shorts. "uh, niall?" harry asks slowly causing niall to furrow his eyebrows. "yeah, harry?" niall responds. "you do realize your pants were technically not even on when you came out of the bathroom, right?" niall nods and crosses his arms. "if you hadn't have ditched me back there my pants would probably have been secure" harry's about to respond when calum beats him to it. "why couldn't you have just waited?" niall looks over at calum and raises an eyebrow. "because i thought something had happened to little harry here so i had to rush out and see" niall responds in a way that makes it seem what he did was obvious. harry pouts and crosses his arms. "i'm not little"


"gem! i'm home!" harry closes the door shut and drops his bag, walking inside the kitchen to grab a snack. "you're home early?" harry hears his sister, gemma, respond and he turns around to find her hair wrapped in a towel and with no pants on. he rolls his eyes and turns back to the cabinets. "yeah. biology was canceled due to mr. peterson getting a family emergency." gemma nods and takes a seat on the couch, turning on the tv. "that's good. i got off early too because this idiot newbie didn't know how to work hair-dye and got some sprayed all over me. ruined my new pair of jeans." harry closes the cabinet and takes a seat next to his sister, grabbing the remote. "awe the new ones with the flowers all over them? they were cute. i liked them" harry pouts and gemma laughs, messing up his curls.

"you're such a princess, harry. i have no idea how you weren't born into royalty" gemma pokes fun causing harry to chuckle and slap her arm lightly. "i am not a princess. i just tend to like being cared for and like flowers. that doesn't mean im a princess, gem" harry retorts back and gemma shrugs, putting her legs on the coffee table. "how's the new school? any friends? any boyfriends?" harry hums in response and gemma smiles slightly, pushing him. "c'mon now! spill it! who's the new boo?!" harry laughs and shakes his head, responding. "i don't have a boyfriend but i do like someone and before you ask, his names louis and he's in my biology class. he's really cute and he has like fifteen hundred siblings but he's really secretive and my friend, niall, doesn't like him for some reason but i dont know. also, his eyes are so blue and his smile, oh my god his smile is so angelic i swear it can cure cancer and he makes my heart skip a beat and oh god i sound like a girl"

gemma squeals and grabs a pillow and hugs it closer to her chest. "he seems so cute! you guys should definitely get together. oh my god." gemma's smile is so wide it actually scares harry. "gem, chill. i barely even know him and or talked to him for that matter." gemma rolls her eyes and rests a hand on harry's shoulder, which he tries- failing miserably- to move, before responding. "harry, my dear, sweet little princess harry, you don't have to know the person to like them. if you think they're cute, then fucking go for it!" harry glares slightly at her at the nickname but shrugs it off. "i know i like him, gem. i just don't think i should ask him out right now, especially since i doubt he even likes me." gemma shrugs and sighs, sitting back down on the couch. "you guys are going to be together forever. i already see it" harry shakes his head and changes the channel to the kardashians. "you're ridiculous, gemma. that will literally never happen. people can't be together forever."

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