two // conversations

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when harry walks into his last class of the day, biology, he sees him. he's in the third row near the window and he has sunglasses on. harry walks up to his biology teacher, mr. peterson, and informs him that he's the new student. mr. peterson looks up from his work and pushes up his glasses before smiling at harry. "ah yes, mr. styles. i've been wondering when i would see you in this class. here's your textbook and you'll be sitting with mr. tomlinson who's over there."

he points over to where louis is sitting and harry thanks him before going over to his assigned seat. when he sits down, louis pushes the stool an inch or two away from harry and places his head down on the table, resting his head on his arms. harry furrows his eyebrows in confusion. did he do something wrong? harry lifts his arm a bit and sniffs his armpit to see if he smells. nothing. harry looks back at louis who's head is still down and he sighs, turning to face the front.


"hey, harry! how was biology?" niall's standing outside of the biology classroom when harry walks out. he looks at niall and gives him a small smile before responding. "it was.. okay? i got seated next to louis tomlinson." niall looks at him and chuckles lightly "sucks for you, bro. it'll get better soon enough." harry nods and walks out of the school building, niall following him to his car. "so, you said you live with your sister now, right?" niall asks and harry nods his head, turning around to face him. "how old is she?" niall leans against harry's car and harry puts his hands in his pocket. "she's uh 23. she's not in college yet. she's attending next year." niall nods and opens his mouth to ask another question when louis walks up to them.

harry's eyes widen and leans against his car, resting an arm on his hood. "play it cool" harry thinks to himself. niall's eyebrow raises and he turns around to see louis standing behind him. louis greets niall before looking at harry. "sorry i uh didn't introduce myself properly in biology. i wasn't in my right mind set, if you know what i mean." louis laughs lightly and harry notices niall scoff and shake his head. harry looks over at niall with a confused face but turns back to louis when he starts speaking again.

"anyways, hi, im louis." he smiles with the type of smile that could cure cancer, harry thinks. louis sticks out a hand for him to shake and harry grabs it, shaking it slowly. "im harry." louis smiles once again before responding. "well, i gotta go but uh i'll see you later." louis smirks and walks away. harry raises an arm to wave goodbye but he slips and that's when harry falls on his face. niall bursts out laughing and bends down to pick harry up, who's groaning and his face red from embarrassment.

"he didn't see that, right?" harry whines to niall who's shaking his head, trying not to laugh again. "can't say everyone else did, though" harry then notices the sound of laughter surrounding him and he groans, closing his eyes. he hates his life, harry decides right then and there. when he opens his eyes again, louis' looking at him, smirking with those beautiful blue eyes staring at him in amusement.


when harry gets home, gemma's talking on the phone. he sets his bag down on the couch and walks into the kitchen to see gemma, phone in between her head and shoulder, chopping up tomatoes. he walks over to her and kisses her cheek, causing gemma to look up and smile at him before mouthing "mom" to him. gemma looks down to start chopping tomatoes again when she speaks. "yeah, mom he's completely fine with me. he just got home from school, actually. oh, you want to talk to him? gemma looks at harry with a smirk on her face when she sees harry mouthing "no" with wide eyes and a hand swinging back and forth in front of his neck.

she chuckles slightly before answering to her mom. "actually mom, he's in the shower. he smells of a strange substance like a... plant? i'll inform him you called, though. bye mom, i love you." gemma hangs up before she can respond and harry smacks her arm lightly. "what'd you do that for?! now she probably thinks im doing drugs!" gemma laughs, shaking her head slightly. "oh calm down, harry. you're like a princess. she knows you wouldnt even dare try anything like that." she shrugs and harry sighs, knowing she's right. "how was work, gem?" harry walks over to her and steals a tomato, biting into it.

"are you eating a tomato like you eat an apple?" gemma asks in disbelief causing harry to shrug. "a tomato should have the same rights as an apple does. nothing wrong with fruit equality." gemma shakes her head and goes back to chopping before answering his question. "work was fine. mark and his regular got into an argument again about what hair color suits her. it was ridiculous." she rolls her eyes and harry chuckles. "shouldn't the customer be able to do what they want with their hair?" gemma nods and huffs out a breath, walking over to the sink and washing off the lettuce. "yeah, but mark seems to have a different look about the customer. thank god she's reasonable enough to stay with us." gemma responds adding finger quotes to the words "different look".

harry nods and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before going over to his bag. "you know we have napkins for a reason, harry!" gemma shouts and harry laughs. "i'm gonna go shower! apparently i smell like weed!" harry shouts at gemma as he's making his way upstairs, hearing her laugh lightly. he walks into the bathroom and enters the shower with blue eyes in his train of thoughts.


gif of louis' beautiful smile on the side/top :)

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