six // meet & greet

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first chapter in 2015!


you can say the day started off like shit for harry when he received his first F on his physics test, but to him, it started when he walked in on gemma taking a shower in the bathroom and like okay, that's not that bad right? but gemma's house has that see through shower with the sliding door where you can see everything. sound bad now? it got even worse when he tripped on the stairs and bumped his head on the railing causing his forehead to bleed. now, harry's walking through the halls with a stupid flower bandaid on his forehead. you can thank gemma for that.

"what's gotten you all bummed out this afternoon, styles?" ashton, his friend from physics, calls out to the curly haired boy. harry looks up and glares at the boy before opening up his locker. "bad morning." is all harry replies with. he sees ashton nod from the corner of his eye and lean against the locker. "you coming to the party tonight? shit load of people are going to be there." ashton smiles wide and harry shakes his head no. "awe c'mon why? its a senior party! those are the best" harry shrugs and puts back his books, closing his locker. "not really a big fan of parties, ashton. bad things happen at parties"

ashton raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. "you're really using that excuse? nothing extremely bad happens at them. just a few people getting drunk and sometimes the cops come. nothing huge" ashton shrugs, once again. harry closes his eyes and shakes his head and he hears ashton sigh. "fine, i guess. how was biology?" harry opens his eyes again and nods slightly. "it was alright. nothing that new." harry tries to hold back a smile when he remembers louis got a new haircut and damn, does that new haircut do him wonders.

"right, right. well i'll see you monday then? gotta go get ready. see ya, styles!" ashton waves before jogging outside to the parking lot. harry waves back and makes his own way to his car, wishing niall had not been sick to keep him company. when he gets to his car, he sees the one and only, louis, walk up to him.

"ah, curly! where's blondie?" louis smiles wide at harry and harry tries his hardest not to faint. "he's sick. had to come on my own today." louis nods and looks at harry's truck. "wow. beautiful thing you got here, curls. she new?" harry shakes his head no and louis furrows his eyebrows. "the thing was my dads. probably from around 92' it just has a brand new paint job. explains why it looks new" louis nods and places a hand on the truck, smiling slightly. "coral blue is my favorite color, ya know? could paint my own car this color if it didn't belong to my mom" harry chuckles and louis smiles again.

"i should probably get going. homework and all" harry says and louis nods, understanding. harry unlocks his car and steps inside, closing the door. he puts the key in the ignition and turns it but the car doesn't start up. he curses and tries again, only for it to fail a second time. harry groans and bangs his head against he steering wheel. his day just got even worse. he picks his head up when he hears laughing from outside and he opens the door to find louis standing there with a smile on his face.

"having car troubles, curly?" harry's face reddens in embarrassment and he nods slowly. "how about you call your sister for a ride?" louis suggests and harry shakes his head no. "cant. she works till late today and i dont wanna be a bother." louis nods and harry's about to call a tow service when louis speaks up. "how about i give you a ride to mine? you can stay there till your sister gets off or somethin?" harry's eyes widen and he smiles slightly. "wouldn't be a bother, would i?" louis waves his hand no and harry steps out of his car. "what about my car? what do i do about it?" harry points to his truck and louis glances at it before facing harry.

"we'll call a towie when we get to mine if ya want?" harry shrugs and louis nods, pulling out his car keys. "shall we?" harry nods and maybe his day just got a bit better.


"welcome to casa le tomlinson!" harry chuckles slightly at louis' failed spanish and louis pushes him lightly. "i'm american ya know? i dont speak fluent spanish!" louis laughs and harry joins him. louis drops his bag by the door and harry follows him to the kitchen. "if you're hungry you can raid the fridge if you feel. i dont care" louis exclaims to harry who's about to reply but someone cuts him off before he can start speaking. "you have 6 other people living in this household, louis! you might not care but we do." harry turns around and see's a blonde haired girl standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"violet! what a nice surprise!" louis smiles at the girl, violet, and she rolls her eyes at him. "you can't just offer people our entire fridge, louis. it's unkind." she walks inside the kitchen and smiles kindly at harry. "hello, i'm violet the eldest, and you are?" violet sticks out a hand for harry to shake and he grabs it before replying. "m'harry styles. i wasn't going to raid your fridge by the way" violet laughs and she cups her hands near her mouth before yelling. "we have a guest over and his name is harry styles! come down and meet him you rude fuckers!" violet turns to him and smiles and harry sees louis groan and put his head in his hands, shaking his head.

he hears a noise that sounds like footsteps running down stairs before a group of three teenagers enter the room. "fuckers, this is harry, harry, these are the fuckers" violet politely says and harry smiles awkwardly at the group. a guy with a buzz cut steps out of the group and smiles at harry. "i'm liam. our names aren't fuckers we promise. my girlfriend just likes making fun of us in front of guests." harry nods and another boy, with blonde hair, walks up to him with a girl on his back. "i'm lucas. nice to meet ya, harry".

harry's about to speak when once again, he's cut off. "and i'm crystal! i've never met a boy with such curls before!" the red headed girl smiles widely at him and he steps back slightly, a bit scared. "uh, thank you?" crystal nods and louis groans again, speaking up. "will you guys please stop pestering him? he's probably frightened for christ sake!" louis stands next to harry and shoo's them all away. "oh, liam! can you call a tow truck for harry's car? it broke down in the school's parking lot" louis yells and smiles proudly when he receives a yell of agreement in return.

"sorry about them. i swear they're not usually this chaotic." louis sits down on the couch and harry sits on the chair across from him. "it's fine, really. they seem fun." louis shrugs and he groans for the third time that day when violet and lucas join them on the couch. "why are you here? leave." louis scowls at his siblings but they ignore him and face harry. "so, are you new to town? i've never seen you before" lucas speaks and harry nods. "yeah. i moved last month." lucas nods and asks another question. "you go to casper with us? i've never seen you around?" harry nods again. "yeah, i'm in biology with louis." violet opens his mouth but louis speaks.

"we're partners actually. was the first one to speak to him" louis smiles proudly at himself and harry looks at him, shaking his head. "actually, niall was. he showed me around." he smiles when he sees louis' smile drop. "i was never informed of this. i feel cheated on." louis dramatically places a hand over his heart and harry laughs. "i'm so sorry, louis! will you ever forgive me?" harry replies with same mock-tone and louis laughs, nodding. "you are forgiven, dear harold." violet smiles at the two and speaks up. "so what do your parents do, harry?" harry turns to the girl and replies saying how he lives with his sister. she nods and stands up to go to the kitchen when liam walks in.

"louis? i called the tow place and they said they'll be at the school at 7. so a good 45 minutes from now." liam informs his brother and louis nods, looking at harry who's speaking to lucas. "thanks, liam." liam nods and disappears upstairs and louis cuts off lucas who's speaking. "lucas, you mind not being here? i'd very much like to spend time with harold here." louis smiles kindly at lucas who shrugs and waves bye to harry. louis faces harry and sparks up a conversation about his siblings and harry really likes how his day turned out to be.

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