Chappy 2: finding love in the movie theatre:)

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The theatre was packed with people. Well mostly girls. Today was the first screening for Magic Mike 2.

I crashed into something quite hard, and my nostrils were welcomed with the most amazing smell ever. My nose was turning red from the hard impact and I silently cursed.

"It's not very lady-like for a girl to speak such words" said a deep sexy voice.

I snapped my head up and was met by the most amazing sea blue eyes I have ever seen. My eyes went to his lips that made me wonder how it would feel if we kissed. Jet black hair looked like he just got out of bed, but made him look so sexy. His jawline was on point perfection and I wonder how his face would feel against my thighs....

Oh fuck, what am I thinking?!

I don't know this hot dude.

"Oh uhh uh" I was lost for words. I was never like this when talking to guys. Well congratulations hot dude, you just made Shay Warl stutter.

He let out a low sexy laugh and I swear I felt myself getting wet.

Oh god. What is this hot thingy doing to me?!

"I'm Trey Lytner", he said bringing out his arm from the leather jacket he was wearing. Noticing I wasn't going to shake his hand, he let out a small chuckle.

"I don't bite sweetheart", he said smirking

I felt a blush crawling up my neck and I slowly shook his hand. It was so soft, I was gonna ask what moisturizer he uses. But thought against it. I don't want to embarrass myself any further.

"Shay Warl", I smiled a crooked smile. I bet I was as red as a tomato.

Damn I need to get away from this sexy thing before I jump him.

I looked around and saw only a few people in here. Oh they must be in the theatre room. And I still haven't bought my ticket.

"Excuse me, I have to go buy my ticket", I said shyly, slowly walking away from him.

As I turned my back to him, I felt him grab my wrist. I felt sparks flying up my arm. Oh lord, he does not know how much of an effect he has on me.

"Yeah?", I asked turning my full attention to him.

"I haven't bought my ticket as well, I'll come with you", he smiled.

"Oh alright, well come on, I don't want to miss anything", I said referring to the movie.

We walked side by side and finally made it to the counter. A girl with pretty green eyes and black hair behind the computer looked as if she has never seen a guy before. She eyes Trey up and down and blushed when her eyes lingered on the mid section.

I can't blame her.

As I was about to pull out a few notes to pay my ticket , I was stopped by the familiar soft hands.

"I'll pay", he smiled down at me since he towered over me.

"No I have money, I'll pay for my own", I argued smiling lightly.

"Nope, I'll pay", he argued back with amusement written all over his beautiful face.

He turned to the girl behind the counter and smiled politely at her.

"Two tickets for this beautiful one and I, please".

She nodded and typed away furiously on her computer. And here's me turning into another very red tomato. He called me beautiful!
Argh! I turned myself away from him and pretended to look around so that he wouldn't see me blushing.

He payed and also bought one large popcorn and two sodas.

"Thank you", I said as we made our way into the theatre room.

"Your very welcome, beautiful", he smiled giving me a wink.

Calm your hormones girl.

We found two seats at the back and the movie started.

Sorry Tatum , but you are now my number two bae.

Finding love in the movie theatre (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now