Chappy 6: finding love in the movie theatre:)

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I opened my mouth multiple times to try and say something, but I was loss for words. She doesn't remember me? This can't be happening. The doctor said she was perfectly fine!

"Shay", I whispered.

"It's me Trey, the guy who told you it's not very lady like to curse, the guy who offered to pay your movie ticket, the guy who watched that stripping in a way kinda movie as you say it is with, the guy who shouted you MacD's and the guy who is practically starting to develop feelings for you."

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember", she replied merely a whisper.

I sighed thinking how last night we were just talking and laughing and now she doesn't know me. She has completely forgot about me, and I'm slightly hurting.

"It's fine, Shay. Don't stress about it, you should rest. Um I'm just gonna go tell the doctor that your awake", I said standing up and walking outside to find that asshole who lied to me.

I saw the doctor standing near the counter looking over some files. I tapped lightly on his shoulder and he turned around.

"Yes?", he asked.

"You lied to me", I whispered lowly.

"Sorry?", he asked.

"You lied to me", I said raising my voice.

"You said she's fine and yet she doesn't remember a fucking thing about me. Does that scream fine to you huh?! I'm a stranger to her now. I'm a stranger to her now". I said my voice getting lower.

"Son calm down, c'mon lets go back and check on her."

"Okay", I said walking side by side and making our way to her room.


Shays POV

I felt someone holding my hand and I stirred slightly. This person has such soft hands. I opened my eyes and I looked down to a guy with his head hanging low with his arms supporting him. He had black hair. It looked as if he had ran his fingers through it multiple times.

Wait, who is he?

I don't remember having a boyfriend, well I broke up with Sean last year and he definitely does not have soft jet black hair.

He looked up and whispered my name ever so softly. How does he know my name? Oh but hot oh damn was he hot! Sea blue eyes stared right back into my hazel ones. I shook my head remembering the situation we were in. I can drool about him later.

"Who are you?",I asked starting to panic.

Hurt flashed in his eyes and started telling me things that I certainly don't remember.


Sounds so familiar but I can't pin point where I heard that name before.

I thought so hard, but still nothing.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember anything", I whispered sadly playing with the hospital gown I was wearing.

"It's fine Shay, don't stress about it. You should rest", he told me. "I'm just gonna go let the doctor know that your awake", he said standing up and walking out the door.

I nodded but realized he couldn't see me.

I let out a long heavy sigh and tried to think of what has happened these last few days.

Fam has gone out to camp which has left me being alone. I got bored and had wanted to go to the movie theatre. I couldn't go with Dina, nor Sky so I went alone.

My head started to form a headache from thinking so hard. But I didn't want to give up now.

I met someone at the theatre.

A guy.

But I couldn't see his face clearly, as if fog was in my way. Maybe it was Trey? No I can't jump to conclusions, maybe he's this serial killer or something. Maybe he wants to kidnap me and rape me! Oh but I wouldn't mind, I would let that sexy kidnapper rape me any day.

Oh shit, what the hell?!

I was brought back out of my thoughts when the door opened and in came the doctor and you know who.

How can someone be so good looking?

Snap out of it Shay, you don't know him.

"Hello Shay, I'm Doctor Will", he nodded his head to me. I gave him a small smile and let him continue.

"And this is Trey Lytner, do you know him?", he asked.

I looked over at Trey and he had a desperate look on his face. As if begging me to say yes.

"No", I shook my head.

"Well it seems that you have memory loss, but it isn't permanent. When I had done tests on you before you were awake, the results were that you had amnesia. But i wasn't sure, because everything else about you seemed okay. So I waited for you to wake up and see if you really had amnesia and this has given me your answer. You do infact have temporary memory loss", he finished with his rambling

By the end of his rambling tears had formed in my eyes. I had memory loss. Well he did say it's temporary, but still. Never did I think that I would ever come across this situation in my life.

"I hope you remember everything back in time sweetie, but I have to go. Patients are waiting for me", he nodded his head to both me and Trey and walked out.

It was silent for at least fifteen seconds until Trey spoke up.

"Go on a date with me".

Finding love in the movie theatre (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now