You Wear Something Of His

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Though you've been tempted to borrow Logan's leather jacket, he wears it too much so you don't dare. Instead, you borrow his shirts. It doesn't matter what style, you wear them all. They may be a bit too big but they smell like him and he thinks you look nice in them.

Victor isn't a big fan of you wearing his clothes because he prefers you in more fitting clothes. Of course, you don't always wear tight fitting clothes but he prefers it when you do. The one time you did wear something of his was when you were out in the forest, playing in the river. You'd gone to find him when he was hunting, surprising him in just your underwear and bra. You'd swum in the river for a bit and afterwards you got quite cold because it was dark by then.
You shivered as Victor put his clothes back on and in the end he threw you his coat to wear saying that if you had a bit more body fat you'd keep the heat a lot better. His coat was very warm but far too big and heavy. Still, you weren't complaining.

You quite often steal Wade's clothes when he's in the shower. You try to fit on as many shirts as possible and sometimes you wear his jeans over yours just to be extra annoying. You sit waiting for him outside the bathroom, feeling like a marshmallow. When he comes out he always chuckles, slings you over his shoulder and carries you to your bed. He then goes to find a shirt and underwear and when he can't, because you're either wearing them or have hidden them, he asks you nicely for his clothes back.
"Sure." You always say, "Go ahead."
He laughs and starts taking off the clothes one by one. He stops when he's found something he wants to wear. Sometimes he'll remove the remaining layers, sometimes he'll leave it to you.
The only item of clothing of his you like to wear frequently is his red hoodie. You'll wear that with anything.

Remy doesn't mind you wearing his clothes. He thinks you look cute. He does, however get annoyed when he thinks you look better in something than him. He says it's not fair and he'll instantly take it off you, leaving you without a shirt which he doesn't mind you looking great in.

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