Proposal - Logan

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A/N- I feel like I should warn you that this chapter contains swearing.

He didn't do it the traditional way at first. The two of you were lying in bed, just enjoying each others company when he asked you. He ran a thumb over your cheek, "If I asked you to marry me, what would you say?" He asked.
"Depends how you asked." You replied.
Logan stared at you for a few seconds before mumbling out "Will you marry me?"
You smiled, "I love you Logan." You said, before getting out of bed to have a shower.
"Is that a yes?" Logan called after you.
"It's not!" You yelled back.
The next day he asked you again while you were having breakfast, holding your hands across the table.
"(Y/n), do you want to get married?"

"Yeah, some day."

Logan rolled his eyes, "To me?"

"Yeah, some day."

Again he rolled his eyes and you got up to go to work.

"For fucks sake! Will you marry me, (y/n)?!" He yelled as you were leaving.

"Language!" You called back before getting in your car.
Logan asked the next day too, with the same result. You thought he had given up, and were mildly disappointed.
But one morning about a week later, you woke up before your alarm clock. It was a Wednesday so you had work.
You rolled over to look at your clock and saw it was 10:47am and you were several hours late. Swearing, you stumbled of bed and went to your wardrobe. Your clothes were all gone except a simple blue dress.

"What the fuck!" You screamed, throwing the dress on the floor.

"Language!" Logan chided from behind you were he lay relaxed on the bed.

"Logan! What did you do?!" You yelled.

"Among other things, I called your work saying you're sick."

You blinked at him, "What the hell did you do that for?"

He smiled, getting out of bed and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you towards his mostly naked body. His skin was warm against yours and you suddenly felt more relaxed.

Logan kissed the top of your hair before resting his head on yours.

"This is nice, Logan, but what's going on?"

You felt him chuckle.

"Can I not spend time with my beautiful girlfriend?"

You pushed away, looking into his eyes.
"You're acting weird..."

Logan frowned, "I was going for romantic."

"It's weird." You stated.

He sighed, "Well I'm sorry for truing then."
He released you, going to put some clothes on.

As he pulled on his singlet, you frowned at him.
"What did you do with my clothes?"

"I wanted you to wear the dress."

"Well too bad." You grabbed one of his flannel shirts, buttoning it up as you wondered what to wear on your legs.

Logan smirked.

"You're such a dick." You said, deciding the shirt was kind of long enough on its own.

He was still smirking so you hit him in the chest playfully as you went past.

Logan grabbed your wrist, pulling you back so he could whisper in your ear, "You're ruining it."

You smirked, "I figured."

When you left the bedroom and went to the kitchen you found the table set out neatly with yoghurt and fruit and anything else you could possibly want for breakfast.

You smiled.

You spent the rest of the day discovering Logan's little surprises which included him agreeing to sit through your favourite movie with you.

As the day drew to a close, you and Logan shared a bath.

After the bath, Logan convinced you to wear the dress. He wore a black suit.

He led you out to the deck, showing you a little picnic rug. You sat there together eating little chocolates and fruits.

When the sun had been replaced by the moon, Logan took your hand.

"(Y/n), will you marry me? I could do this forever, asking you each day, but one day you're not going to be here and I don't want to waste a single second of you. So for fuck's sake, please say yes now."

You smiled, pulling him into a kiss.


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