Kasondra's father and brother had left to rent to a deserter of the Night's Watch. It was no secret he would be killed for his failed vows. Although the young girl couldn't help but feel sympathy for the men who guarded the walls. She would surely try to escape if she were in those frozen wastelands as well.
Many thought that Kasondra spent all her time fighting. When in reality, she enjoyed sitting by herself and reading a good book. These stories took her to another place or time, allowing her to escape reality. As of now, she was sitting in Maester Luwin's library as he allowed her to do often. On occasion, he would join her in a silent reading time if he was free for the evening.
Kasondra was reclined in the window seal with her knees tugged into her chest. The rain was pounding against the glass making a nice pattern like song. Father would return in a few hours, just enough time for Kasondra to complete 3 chapters of her philosophy novel.
"Sister?" Or a few less. Kasondra raised her eyes from the book to find Sansa staring at her from across the room. The older female managed to scramble some of Robb and Jon's old clothing and dress more comfortably. By the way Sansa was rolling her eyes, Kasondra figured she wasn't enthused.
"Yes Sansa?" Kasondra answered and quickly averted her eyes back to the book for a split second. Sansa sighed rather loudly and waited for her sister to finish.
"Mother was wondering where you snuck off to this time. At least you're not sparring with the men again." Of course Catelyn had found out about Kasondra's secret training. The older woman let sleeping dogs lay unless punishment was involved.
"No sparring. Too rainy." Kasondra answered quickly and rested her head against wall. Mud had collected on the training ground, someone could twist an ankle or worse in that condition. Sansa was quickly becoming agitated by Kasondra's lack of enthusiasm or worry for her current condition. Septa Mordane became increasingly vicious to the other Stark daughters each time Kasondra skipped a class. Kasondra didn't have to deal with it since she never attended anyway.
"Why do you like reading anyway? It's not like you will become a knight one day." Kasondra lowered her book and added a bookmark to keep her place. She gently closed the cover and patted the spot on the other side of the large window. Sansa picked up the edge of her skirt and crawled into the area. She drew her knees up as well and rested her chin against her knee's.
"Do you know a woman's most vicious weapon is not what is between her legs?" Sansa blushed fiercely but nodded. Kasondra hid the smile she held fairly well. "I believe it is our intelligence to trick the lesser men of the world." Sansa seemed rather intrigued by her sister's words and leaned in a bit closer.
"If that is so, why doesn't a woman rule instead of a man?" Kasondra shrugged her shoulders and stared out the window at the sheets of rain slamming against the glass. She wondered this many times before. Many great women had came and went in this world, but none had sat upon the Iron Throne.
"Most women are afraid of the unknown. We tend to cling to tradition and stray away from new ideas. If one wishes to, she could rule all 7 kingdoms and command men from miles away." Kasondra held an amusing glint in her eyes almost like reading a children's story. Sansa stayed quiet and was content with hearing a sister ramble on.
Sansa was always the one to speak her mind, no matter how rude. But sometimes she enjoyed listening to others, even if it was a rare treat to be able to talk to Sansa without being interrupted.
"You seem to speak from experience. What would be your first order if you became Queen?" Sansa questioned and leaned forward with a smirk on his lips. Kasondra though for a second and returned the devious grin.
"That all men must die." The room was silent before both girls erupted in a fit of laughter. It was a rare moment for either of them. The Stark daughters were raised to be ladies, not fools who found everything funny. Septa Mordane would have their heads if she caught such a ruckus in a library.
"C'mon, we better get back to Septa Mordane before her head explodes." Kasondra was of course kidding, but the image did brighten her attitude slightly. The sisters walked side by side and conversed without getting on each other's nerves. The guards they have passed on their way back to the balcony all bowed in respect.
All were powerful but seemed to hold respect for the Stark women. It was a rare thing to find in men. Men held themselves so much higher than any lady in Westeros. Respectful or not. It seemed to be in a males blood that he thought all women were below him. Even if she was a high born Lady or a lowly peasant.
Kasondra echoed her speech in her mind time and time again. She would hold true to her words, despite how silly they sounded at the time.
A woman could conquer.
"Father has returned." Sansa stated as she pointed to the approaching horses. A few knights followed closely behind with their heads held high. Even Theon Greyjoy held a certain sickening aura that made Kasondra's skin crawl.
She never did trust that man, even as a child.
Kasondra squinted at the blurry forms and caught sight of a squirming fur-ball tucked under Eddard's arm.
~Chapter End~
Ahhhhhh! Another Chapter Finished! I'm already started on the sequel to Red and Wolf. I really hope to get just as many views and followers for this story. I promise to update more and respond to my fans. Thank you so much💠

Weeping Thorns
FantasyKasondra Stark was a girl made out of ice and snow. She feared nothing but the loss of her family. Yet her fears begin to awaken when she is shipped off to King's landing with her father and sisters. Kasondra will do everything in her power to keep...