Chapter 20: Goodbye Ser Jory

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"My lady, it would not be wise-"

"Let me see my father."

The Kings Guard soldiers snuck each other a familiar look and returned to gazing at me. They kept their hands on the hilt of their swords as if I would attack. My anger was rising quickly, almost to the point of spilling over. I clutched the sides of my dress and clenched my jaw tightly. What if father was dying right at this moment? Chocking on his own blood while these two-

"Let her pass." King Robert came stumbling through, big belly rolling like a free bird. Cersei was right behind him, eyes casting on me like prey. I moistened my dry lips and fought the urge to wrap my hands around her pretty little neck and watch her struggle. The guards stepped aside and watched the King shove the doors open to Father's room. Maester Pycelle was currently leaning over father, hand pressed to his forehead.

"How is he?" I questioned and nearly shoved the King with my nervousness. I dove to his side and held his clammy hand. A thin blanket of sweat coated his skin. The elderly man grunted as he stood from his chair. Father's foot was propped up on a pillow, a clean bandage wrapped around his knee.

"He is stable, but only the gods can tell when he awakens." Pycelle patted my shoulder and wobbled out. Robert shook his head and rubbed his temples with aggravation. I had only received the news minutes ago from a squire who had witnessed the onslaught. Jaime Lannister fled the scene with his tail tucked between his legs.

"He should be chained and thrown into the darkest cell-"

"Do not speak of my father like a criminal! Your precious brother is the one who attacked my father." Cersei's eyes widened to the size of those fancy Dorne plates. She had never been stood up to, by the looks of it. Cersei approached me with her hand raised, drawn back and ready to strike.

"You arrogant little-"

"Enough!" Robert ordered, grabbing his wife by the wrist before this escalated too quickly. My blood was pulsing with rage and adrenaline. Is this what if felt like for a man who charged into battle? Ready to lay everything down to protect his homeland and family?

"Apologies, your highness." I lowered my eyes to father as he began to stir. I was right beside him again, stroking his arm for comfort. With the slight urge to awaken him, his eyelids fluttered open slowly. It took all his strength to finally peel them wide. I stroked back his hair and grinned when his eyes lay upon me.

"Cat?" Eddard grumbled, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

"No father, it's me. Kasondra." I gave a dry laugh and lifted the jar of water sitting on the bedside table, to his lips. At first he only took a little sip, but when the liquid touched his mouth he was gulping like a wild animal. "Pace yourself." I warned and took away the cup.

"How are you feeling, old friend?" Robert chuckled down at father. The younger man struggled to sit up, for which I sternly told him to lie back down.

"Forgive me, your grace." Father grunted and rested his head. "I would rise but-"

"Do you know what your wife has done?" Cersei snapped, questioning father before his consciousness could even fully return. I dug my fingers in the palms of my hand to strain my anger for the older woman.

"She did nothing I did not command." Father defended mother, barely knowing of the crimes she committed. Jory and I had discussed how mother kidnapped Lord Tyrion and was taking him to face my aunt. I felt a little giddy inside, knowing that my mother was such a strong, capable woman.

"By what right dare you lay hands on my blood?"

"I am the King's Hand-"

"You were the King's Hand!" Cersei shouted. The hairs on my neck prickled as if I were a dog. I stood to my full height and my nostrils flared like they did when I was infuriated. "You shall now be held accountable."

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