Chapter 15: Arrival In The Lions Den

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"Look little pup, we're here." I nudged Sansa's arm, who was passed out against my slightly taller form. Her dazzling green eye peeled open to the large sand cored walls. The white area of her eyes were bloodshot with leftover tears. Arya stayed silent and wasn't amused by the passing sights and people.

"Yes, we're in Kings Landing. The capital of stale vomit and whores." Arya scoffed. I elbowed her in the side with a disapproving glance. Yet underneath my anger was giddiness. Jory road a few paces ahead on horseback, beside my father.

Sansa refused to speak with him after Lady's death. Mahala had been taken back to Winterfell the next morning at the break of dawn. I didn't even get to bid my hound a farewell.

We entered the large gates and were met with shouts for the King. The commoners were dressed in lovely flowing gowns and gossiped about the passing Stark's.

Jory made passing glances from aboard his pure white horse. Father looked to Sansa who just gave Ned a harsh glare. I tightened my fist to fight the urge to flatten my sister to the ground.

"Here we are." Father mumbled as the gates to the castle were opened for us. Servants scrambled around as father dismounted. A small man approached Ned with urgency. I couldn't hear their conversation but then father started to remove his gloves. Ned turned to Septa Mordane who had surprisingly been quiet for awhile.

"Take the girls inside, I'll be back for dinner," he then looked to my betrothed, who was gazing at him with pouty eyes that were very comical to see, "Jory, you too."

"Yes, my lord."  Father followed the man as we dismounted he wagon. Joey lifted me from the hips and sat me on the sandy ground. He held on longer than necessary, just holding his hands against my waist.

"Eh hem!" Arya cleared her throat and smirked as she jumped from the wagon. Mordane barked at her to act like a lady, but since when did Arya ever listen?

"Come along Sansa." I called to the small red head. She gently climbed down and took Jory's hand for support. She sent him a small grin and we hooked arms. Arya kept a few paces ahead, following Jory to our rooms. As we actually stepped into the castle, we saw Lannister and Baratheon banners hanging from the high ceilings.

"Those banners will soon hold Stark and Lannister sigils." Septa Mordane spoke to Sansa in that pitched voice. Sansa tightened her grip on my forearm, her eyes held in a harsh glare as we entered the Throne Room.

The Iron Throne was very intimidating with the jagged ends of melted swords sticking out in a rather hazardous manner.

"Amazing." I whispered to myself. Of course I had read of the throne many times before, but seeing it in person was a whole other experience. Jory motioned for us to follow him down a long and bright hallway. Jory took a sharp right to show Sansa her bedroom. I gave my sister a kiss against her forehead and gave her a small pat on the back.

Septa Mordane followed, a bad choice in my opinion. I shrugged with a shake of my head and watched Arya trudge along like she was heading to her death.

But here in King's Landing, that could very well mean the truth. I felt horrible for Sansa in all honesty, but I knew Arya felt just as bad as her sister. I caught up with Arya and wrapped an arm around her shoulder wordlessly. She didn't complain or make any move to remove it, so I squeezed her shoulder. Telling her everything would work out.

"Here is your room, Lady Arya." Jory motioned to a door on our right. Arya shot the man a dirty look and placed her hand on the handle.

"I'm not a Lady." Arya growled and slammed her door shut. Jory jumped a little, not expecting such an attitude from the youngest Stark girl. I, on the other hand, was quite used to it by far. Arya was very fond of Jory, but with the stress on her shoulders, along with the loss of her direwolf.

She was ready to explode.

Jory took my arm and lead me out onto a balcony that overlooked the garden. I really wasn't in the mood for sightseeing. Even I was feeling the pain from this trip. It felt odd not to have Mahala at my heels constantly. I wonder if she was home yet, playing around with her siblings without a care in the world.

"You seem in a greater mood than your sisters." Jory chuckled and placed a hand on my lower back. I stiffened, hands folding themselves at my hips. Jory leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to my cheek, at which I just stared out to the bright blue sky staring down at us.

"How do you expect them to react? Knowing they will never see their beloved pets again." I spat at Jory. The man dropped his arm and I regretted my out lash when I saw the pain in his brown eyes.

"My apologizes." I whispered, placing a hand on his armored chest. Jory smirked and pulled me closer. I laid my head on his neck, just listening to his strong heartbeat. Who knows how long I would have to hear it.

"My lady, I know this is hard on your family. But I do share your pain," Jory cupped my chin with his gloved hand, pressing his sweat covered forehead to my own. I smiled and felt my long eyelashes brush his cheek. "Your pain is mine as well."

"Good to know." I teased, my fingers trailing over his throat. It was such a simple part of the body. With a tiny nick, you could cause a man to bleed to death.

"I should show you to your room, it will be a long day." I followed Jory back into the hall, coming face to face with a familiar blonde girl. Myrcella was skipping around with a beautiful smile on her innocent face.

How was this the child of someone as monstrous as Cersei?

"Good evening, Princess." I bowed to the young girl, as Jory did moments later. Her pink lips spread to expose a row of perfectly white teeth.

"To you as well. We should take a walk around the castle later. I'd be happy to show you around." The princess spoke with a sweet voice that could melt hearts. I smiled and patted her head full of blonde curls.

"I would love that Princess." She nodded enthusiastically, pleased with my decision. Although I'm pretty sure it's a crime to say no to a princess of the seven kingdoms.

"Well then let's go!" She shouted and grabbed my arm. Jory was reluctant to let me go, but quivered in fear when I narrowed my eyes. I barely had time to nod toward him as I was pulled along by an energetic blonde on a mission.

Welcome to the Lion's Den.

~Chapter End~

So I'm really proud of this story so far! Please continue to review and vote, it means a lot to me. Thank you!

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