Chapter 17: Mother May I?

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My handmaidens finished tiring the last strings of my corset. I used my hands to brush down any creases and gave myself a final look in the gold plated mirror. The material was thin since it would become a very heated day. My hair was also pinned up away from my neck, only two small pieces framed my face.

"Thank you." I nodded to the women and watched them all exit my room. I hung my head to allow the stiffness to fade. In all truth, all I wanted to do was practice with my blades. It had been so long since I held those beautiful weapons in my hands.

I sighed and ran a hand through my tied hair. The heat was insatiable this evening! My fiery red locks were braided and tied in a tight bun, two strands by my face left hanging. A knock came from my door and I nearly ignored it.

"Kasondra?" Father's voice pushed through the door and I sighed.

"Come in." Father opened the door, hand on the hilt of his sword. I gave him a tiny smiled and stepped off of the round lift. Father gently handed me a folded paper which had slowly became unfolded. My eyes scanned over the tiny writing.

"Bran's awaken?!" It was more of a shout than a question. Father chuckled and I launched myself at the older man. My arms wrapped around his neck much like a toddler. "Father, this is wonderful!"

"More than wonderful." Eddard placed a hand on the back of my head and tucked it close to him like an infant. I smiled and stood like that for awhile, just enjoying my father's company. "Although your mother may be in trouble." I pulled back and stared up at father with worried eyes.

"She has entered Kingslanding. We need to meet her as soon as possible." I straightened my face and grabbed the daggers tucked under my bed strapping them to my hips. Father went wide eyes and softly grabbed my wrist. "Kasondra!"

"Don't worry, I won't use them......possibly." Father raised an eyebrow and shook his head. I smiled wide and grabbed his hand, dragging the poor man out the door. "Where are we going?"

"With Littlefinger." My cheeks heated. I had never been to a brothel but I had seen the men and women leaving them from time to time in Winterfell. It was not a pretty sight.

"Why in the seven hells would she be with him?" I questioned with teeth clenched. Father wore the same expression of hatred and worry.

"Littlefinger has information that your mother finds worthy enough to trust him." My fingers tightened around my daggers. I knew that sneaky little man would find someway to dig his claws into mother. Ever since he had been cut down by my uncle, his love for mother had grown into an unhealthy obsession.

"Let's hurry, who knows what he might be doing."


Father and I rode through town, plenty of nobles and merchants awaiting the tourney. Did the castle even have enough money to afford this upcoming event? Father stopped his horse just a few feet from where Petyr stopped his horse. We all dismounted with the sneaky man leading the way.

"I thought she'd be safest in here." Petyr chuckled, motioning to the whorehouse with a pleasant grin. "One of several such establishments I own." Father grabbed his punt shoulder and slammed him against the dusty wall. My eyes widened with horror and I began to tug of father's shirt.

"You're a funny man." Father growled, his hand tightening around Littlefingers throat. I dug my nails into the thick leather of Eddard's coat, yanking on him with earnest. Father didn't need to make such a big commotion in front of a bunch of citizens. "A very funny man."

"Ned!" A familiar, sweet voice cooed fro the window above. I was slightly scared to look until I caught a glance of a woman who could only be my mother. Eddard took many glances to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Mother!" I cried with joy. I never thought I would be so happy to see the woman who gave birth to me. Father tossed Petyr to the side like an old sword and stomped inside of the building. I walked up to Petyr with a small scowl of disgust. He straightened his collar with a little cough.

"Ah, the Stark's...." He murmured under his breath. "Quick tempers, slow minds." He scoffed, avoiding any eye contact with me. I lifted my chin and lifted up the front of my dress.

"Damn right."


"The mere suggestion that the queen's brother tried to kill your boy would be considered treason." Petyr paced the room, explains the whole situation as if we didn't know anything about it.

"We have proof. We have the blade." Mother argued, father standing behind her with a cruel look in his eyes.

"Lord Tyrion will just deny it all. He will say it was stolen, mother." I interrupted, stepping through the curtains. They all looked to me with a questions gaze, Petyr held something more that made my stomach roll. "The man that Summer killed was our only hope to prove otherwise."

Mother turned to father and softly gripped his shoulders. "Petyr has promised to help us find the truth." Mother cooed like talking to a child. I saw father's fingers clench even tighter, if that was even possible.

"He's like a little brother to me, Ned. He would never betray my trust." I held back the urge to snort. Was my mother really placing all her trust on a man who had tried to have her husband killed more than once?

"I'll try to keep you both alive, for her sake."  My father and I both have him twin glares, trying to cause him to burst into flames. "A fool's task, admittedly, but I've never been able to refuse your wife anything."

Oh if only we were Targaryen's.

"I won't forget this." Catelyn smiled with a nod. The flash through Petry was almost instantaneous. "You're a true friend." I stepped closer to mother and placed a hand on her forearm.

"Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation to maintain." Littlefinger grinned. I felt the urge to vomit at his poor excuse for humor. If Tyrion hadn't tried to kill my brother, I could use him for a good laugh.

We walked mother outside to where her horse was waiting to take her back home. Father couldn't stay far from her side the whole stroll. I on the other hand, trailed back a few feet to give them space. When I saw the two of them together, I knew it was true love. Perhaps not a first, but certainly now.

I watched the two of them share a sweet kiss before mother beckoned me over. I followed obediently and almost sighed with content when Mother wrapped her arms around my slender waist. She pressed a hand to the back of my head and gave me a kiss on the side of my cheek.

"My beautiful girl, how do you like King's Landing?" Catelyn questioned, tucking a strand of my fiery red hair behind my ear. I gulped and shook my head frantically.

"I don't trust anyone here mother. Everyone here is a liar or a thief!" I whispered harshly, fist drawn into tight balls. Mother cupped my heated cheeks with both hands and quietly hushed my anger.

"Kasondra, you are here to protect your sisters and keep your father's sanity in check. Don't let this city get to you." Mother removed her thin blue scarf from around her head and placed it on mine. "I love you."

"Mother, please let me return-"

"Kasondra." Mother held up her hand to stop my rant. Her delicate fingers tied the scarf under my chin before she wrapped her arms around me for another hug, head resting on my shoulder. "My little girl."

~Chapter End~

Sorry this has took so long to post! I went through a bad writers block and the holidays have been really stressful! Thank you for your support!

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