The courtyard was now filled to the brim with gold cloaks and the Kings royal guard. They were like a permanent rash that would pop up everywhere but refused to leave. I was reclining on a bench outside of the training ring.
Tommen and Bran were jabbing at each other with wooden swords as I just observed. Father and Robert were off hunting while mother was showing Cersei and Mrycella around the castle.
Tommen was a very polite boy. He reminded me so much of Rickon. Speaking of which, the youngest brother was out playing in the mud, poking a stick into the gooey liquid. I wrinkled my nose and decided to leave that mess to mother.
I barely noticed the extra weight pressed down onto the opposite end of the bench. I happened to look over and was startled by the short man sitting to my right.
I had never seen a dwarf before. From where I sat, I could only see the top of his shaggy blond hair. He lifted his head and I gazed into deep blue orbs.
"I'm sorry. Did I frighten you? It wouldn't be the first time." He stayed with a hint of sarcasm. He took a swig from a glass bottle and wiped his mouth.
So this must be the brother Imp of queen Cersei, Arya would be pleased to know he made the trip.
"I'm terribly sorry I couldn't make this arrival. I had some business to attend to." The Imp held out his hand with a click of his tongue.
"Tyrion Lannister, at your service My Lady." He took my hand and kissed the back of my knuckles.
I couldn't help but smile at this half man. He seems like the type of person who wasn't afraid to speak the truth, no matter the consequences.
"It's a pleasure, my lord-"
"Spare me. I am no "lord". I will never inherit land from my father, I will never marry a highborn lady. A dwarf is no lord." He took another drink of the strong smelling liquor.
How could someone drink so early in the day? Was he such a natural that he failed to become drunk anymore?
"Alright, Tyrion?" The small man smiled and nodded towards me.
"Much better. You've seemed to of caught my sisters attention yesterday." I cringed at the mentions of her actions yesterday.
She asked questions that she had no concern of knowing, no matter of royalty should be allowed to ask such questions!
"Really? I hadn't noticed, my lo-" Tyrion shot me a look with his eyebrow raised. "Tyrion. The Queen is a beautiful lady and I am happy to have her attention." I looked towards the tiny lordling who seemed rather amused by answer.
"A good liar. I think we'll get along just fine." I nearly chocked on my saliva at his words. How did he know?!
"You must be mistaken, Tyrion. I value the Queen's words. If you believe that or not is up to you." I straightened my back and watched Bran poke the dirt with his sword.
Tommen was giggling at his behavior as if it was the funniest thing he had ever seen.
"You might survive her yet, Lady Kasondra." He took a drink from his glass and pointed toward the balcony where Joffery and Sansa were conversing.
For some reason, the young prince made my stomach twist in a nasty knot. His very presence had me wanting to hurl in the nearest bush.
"We might be related by marriage soon. I hear King Robert and your father have arranged a marriage between the prince and Sansa." I looked down at the small man with fear.
Something was off about Joffery, but I wasn't exactly sure what this feeling was. Tyrion tipped his glass upside down and sighed when not a drop of liquor came out.
"Exciting, Sansa will be lucky to marry a prince." The words stung my mouth like poison. Tyrion seemed throughly enjoyed by my act. I was a very good liar.
"Indeed, my lady." I basked in the nice weather. It was still very cold but the sun was shining bright through the thick smoke. A large man blocked my sunlight with his body. I opened my eyes to see a rather frightening man above.
His stringy brown hair was flowing down just below his chin. But on the other side his face was a mangled mess of flesh. He turned to walk up the balcony where the little prince was sitting.
"Who was that?" I whispered to the small lord. Tyrion smacked his lips together and watched the beast of a man stand beside the prince.
"That is The Hound. Surely you've heard of the horrifying tales, my lady?" I swallowed thickly and nervously folded my hands back into my lap.
I slowly nodded my head, I had heard the horrid tales from travelers. Yet to see him in person, it brought a whole new fear to these tales.
"I fear trouble in brewing, Lady Kasondra." Tyrion spoke out of context and played with his empty bottle. I raised an eyebrow at his sudden change in attitude.
"What do you mean?"
"King Robert is a fool," Tyrion began, a passing servant was caught by the Imp as he ordered more wine. He turned his attention back to me.
"A war will surely brew out of his own stupidity." I was appalled by Tyrion's words. His blood to the queen couldn't save him from such atrocity.
Could it?
"Pardon me Tyrion, but I wouldn't be caught saying those things." Although my own opinion wasn't far from Tyrion's, I knew better than to shoot my mouth off against the King. The young woman returned with Tyrion's wine just as the man began to laugh. He was very odd indeed.
"You are a very smart woman, my lady. You shall play this game very well." Tyrion stated and took the wine bottle from the servant. I raised an eyebrow at the short man.
"What game?" Tyrion licked his lips of the spicy substance and frowned.
"The game of thrones."
~Chapter End~
So it took me awhile to write this chapter but I'm very happy with it. I now have more time to write until I begin working at Family Dollar.(not glamorous, but I'm only 15) Please bare with me!

Weeping Thorns
FantasíaKasondra Stark was a girl made out of ice and snow. She feared nothing but the loss of her family. Yet her fears begin to awaken when she is shipped off to King's landing with her father and sisters. Kasondra will do everything in her power to keep...