"Hurry up Kassy! The king will be here any second." Sansa called out from across the hall. I grumpily turned the corner of my doorway with my newly acquired hair and dress connected.
My dress and corset hugged my hips and stomach way too tight for my liking. Luckily my heavy coat would hide it until later in the night. A necklace was included as well, the blue pendant dangling right above my breasts.
My hair was left hanging down my shoulders with the pieces near my face, pinned back with a silver trinket. The overwhelming smell of perfume filled the hall. A few handmaidens began to cough at the amount and were forced to flee.
Sansa and I's perfume combining into a huge ball of flowers and honey. Ser Jory was waiting at my door, ready to escort me to the yard. His nose wrinkled at the smells but said nothing further.
"Are you ready, my lady?" He held out his crooked arm. I gently took it and followed Sansa down the stairs and outside. All of Winterfell awaited the King's arrival. Poor Jon was forced to watch from afar behind us. Mother had no doubt, not allowed him to stand with the family.
I took my spot in-between Sansa and Robb. Mother and Father looked around in a frantic state. Mother leaned forward and stared right back at me.
"Where is Arya?" I shrugged and was about to answer when a bouncing figure with a helmet approached us. Father snatched the shell off of Arya's head and pushed her towards the end of the line. I nudged her with my hand as she passed, giving my sister a small smirk.
"Move!" She hissed to Bran as she squeezed beside him. Rickon was rocking back and forth on his heels beside our mother. I knew his impatience would get the better of him eventually. Too much energy, I always said.
Suddenly, the sound of horns had us all stiffen. The gates were opened and the color of gold flooded Winterfell. Stag and Lion banners rode in on horseback.
A pretty carriage also approached that was no doubt for the queen and young children. The oldest Prince, Joffery, was ahead on his steed. I could practically hear Sansa sigh at his presence. He looked my way and a grin worked its way onto his mouth.
My eyes wandered to different areas and I soon found Ser Jaime as he removed his helm. As usual, the golden Lannister hair was easy to identify. He sat high and mighty above his horse and I almost swooned if not for the King Slayer name. I was utterly shocked he still held knighthood.
"Where's the Imp?" I heard Arya whisper to no one in particular.
"Shut up!" Sansa hissed and nearly shoved her sister with a groan.
Last came King Robert as he rode near us. Two young squires fetched a log so he could easily dismount. The horse visibly stood upright as the large weight was removed. All was silent as the king approached father.
His shaggy beard and beady eyes have him the appearance of a boar rather than a stag. He didn't really look like a king to be honest. More like a jester if you ask me.
We all bowed in respect to our king and hung on his every word. He stood directly before father as he flicked his fingers for us to stand.
"You've gotten fat." My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. Was the king really one to be talking about weight? Then suddenly, the two men bursted into laughter and embraced each other in a loving hug.
The tension disappeared and now held a completely different tone. Old friends were talking now, not a king and his follower. The air lightened with relief.
"Nine years....." The king muttered as he shook his head. "I haven't seen you. Where the hell have you been?!" Robert proclaimed and roughly patted my fathers shoulder.
"Guarding the North for you, your Grace." Father answered with a nod. "Winterfell is yours." King Robert chuckled and turned to mother with a large grin.
"Cat!" He encased mother in a gentler version of a hug and laughed. I smiled at how loose mother seems to become, even for a split second.
My attention turned to the carriage where two children emerged from. Prince Tommen and Princess Myrcella stood beside the horses and awaited the next order. A few handmaids also left and in their wake left a beautiful woman. Her golden hair was just at her waist and piercing blue eyes scanned Winterfell. Her whole demeanor was stiff and threatening.
It couldn't be anyone but Cersei Lannister.
"Good to see you, your grace." Mother spoke and backed away as Robert ruffled Rickon's hair. He then moved on to Robb who was trying his best to appear professional. I was drawn back to the situation at hand but I couldn't help but fell Cersei's eyes watching me.
"You must be Robb." The two exchanged a firm handshake and a hard glance. The king approached me and I literally held my breath. My body was shaking with nervousness until two finger lifted my chin and I was looking into small dark eyes.
"A Tully if I've ever seen one! Quite a beauty if I must say so myself. You should be proud Cat, a beautiful girl like this doesn't come out of an ugly hag." Mother his her smile behind her sleeve and I was left as King Robert moved down to my younger siblings.
The queen approached father and held out her hand. Father kissed the back of her palm and bowed.
"My queen."
"My queen," Mother echoed and curtseyed along. What I didn't expect was Cersei to approach me, completely ignoring my parents. I began to bow but long and cold fingers touched my cheek and I lifted my eyes to the grin of a Lannister.
"No need, my dear." I stood to my full height and couldn't help but tremble under the touch of a Queen so powerful. Her hand drifted to my red locks and soon became entangled in them.
"What pretty hair. As silky and beautiful as a fox pelt." Cersei mumbled and chills rose to my spine. She dropped her hand and turned to her husband who was now discussing something with father. Even as the King left with Eddard, I could still feel Cersei's touch as if she had slapped me.
Forget about Winter, the Lannister's are here.
~Chapter End~
Two chapter in one night! I'm on a roll. I'm splitting the books in season form and that's why I'm dragging these out as well. I don't want to follow the series exactly word for word so don't criticize by telling me I don't know what I'm doing. Thank you!

Weeping Thorns
FantasíaKasondra Stark was a girl made out of ice and snow. She feared nothing but the loss of her family. Yet her fears begin to awaken when she is shipped off to King's landing with her father and sisters. Kasondra will do everything in her power to keep...