I leaned over the balcony of the Winterfell castle. The rain had died down enough so a beautiful rainbow loaded the skies instead. The sound of men sparring below filled the area as well. The soldiers were hitting stuffed dummies and each other with wooden sticks. These boys were young, fresh out of their mother's skirts. It would be awhile before they were allowed to carry real swords.
Sansa and Arya had been trapped by Septa Mordane for their daily sewing lesson. I had snuck off to watch the men as they started a new life of war. But I new soon enough that I would be discovered by either mother or the evil septa herself.
"Slipped off again I see." My oldest brother Robb came strutting over with a hand resting I the hilt of his sword. I shrugged and supported my chin in the palm of my hand. Robb chuckled and stood beside of me with his arms over his chest, gazing out over the castle walls. "Mother will be infuriated that you skipped-"
"Shut up." I stated plainly and removed myself from the leaning position. I dusted off my skirts and stared at my brother with a blank expression, but the teasing glint in my eyes certainly have me away.
"I held you as a babe Kasondra, helped raise you. I know you want to fight in a war more than any man." I lowered my eyes away from Robb's gray pair. He put a finger under my chin and lifted my face. "But avoiding you're duties is no way to begin. Warrior or not."
I half heartedly pushed away his hand but deep in my heart, I knew he was right. Robb ruffled my hair that I had let free fall for the day. Robb always knew how to anger me, but calm me down at the same time.
"My Lady Stark!" Damn.
"Septa Mordane." I failed miserably at my curtesy and nailed Robb with an elbow when he began to chuckle. The old woman was glaring at me with fury that could burn a man alive. Robb suddenly stopped his foolery and stood straight again.
"This is the 3rd time you have ran out on me this week! You're father shall hear about this at once." She huffed and stomped her foot in a childish manner. Turning on her heel she left murmuring profanity under her breath that could make a Iron Island sailor blush.
I turned back to Robb who looked ready to burst in laughter. I started with a small giggle but by the end we could barely stand a our ribs hurt. These were the moments I cherished most of all. My family was no where near perfect. Two daughter who want nothing more to fight as men, another who had her head shoved so far up a fantasy lifestyle, and a bastard son was not the fairytale story.
But my dysfunctional was good enough for me.
"I really need to go back and help Bran train. Join me later?" I nodded and waved my big brother off as he hurried down the stairs. I sighed and decided to sharpen my daggers whistle I waited for punishment. Father had secretly bought them and hid them from mother. They were gifts for my nameday last year and ever since I had been training with Robb and Jon.
Arya and I had named them heartbreaker and seduction. Two weapons a woman shall always have at her side. They were forged from Valarian steel and thinned down just enough so they wouldn't drag me down like weights, but strong enough so they wouldn't shatter from a single hit.
Father had them specially engraved with the words "A she-wolf, shall conquer." At first I was completely confused. But over this past year I had slowly learned the meaning of this rhyme.
"Kassy!" I heard a raspy voice whisper. Only one person could whisper that terribly. I peered around the shaft of a column and found Arya cowering in a corner, hiding.
"Hiding from Mordane again?" She shushed me harshly and dragged me down beside of her. I laughed quietly and tugged my knees up to my chest. Arya fiddled with her fingers and I knew at that moment, she was hiding something.
"If you keep running off like this, mother and father will think I'm a bad influence." Arya cocked a brown eyebrow and scoffed.
"You are a bad influence." I flipped back a lock of red hair and shook my head much like a wet dog.
"Yes, but they don't have to know that!" Arya laughed loudly, playfully pushing my shoulder. I shoved back and soon we were having an all out battle. Luckily I was twice as big and easily defeated my younger sister who was laying face down on the hard floor. She pushed herself up and rubbed her sore nose. That was quite a fall.
"How about we go play with the boys? I'm sure Bran is having a bad time with his archery, as always." Arya nodded quickly and we faced off and crouched behind some barrels. The boys were laughing at Bran who looked looked positively miserable.
"Poor kid. He's probably wet himself by now." I glared at Arya who held her hands up in defense. A thought popped into my head immediately afterwards.
"Have you ever shot a bow?" Arya nodded slowly as if she weren't sure. I fetched one from the racks, unnoticed. I placed the arrow in the quiver and helped Arya pull it back.
"Keep your eye on the target-" I was pressed tight against Arya as I released my helping hand and allowed her to hold it on her own. "Deep breath." Arya visible breathed and became stiff.
The arrow flew past Bran's ear and landed perfectly in the center. The boy's all turned their attention to us as we curtsied, smug smirks in our faces. Bran dropped his bow and took off to chase Arya who squealed in delight.
She loved a good chase.
"Kasondra." I winced at the sharp tone of my mother's voice. I looked at the balcony above to see father and mother wearing two totally different expressions. "Come." Mother beckoned and I knew better than ignore. I ran up the stairs but wasn't excited about the words yet to come. I nodded towards father but refused to look him in the eye.
"Yes?" Catelyn cleared her throat and waited for me to make eye contact. I did so reluctantly and found a displeased expression upon her once youthful features.
"You mustn't provoke Arya any more than she is. That's like poking a caged bear with a stick." Father chuckled but quieted after a firm glance from his wife. I sighed and sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.
"Yes, but a boring bear who doesn't attack is useless." Mother frowned at my lack of humor. I hissed as if the silence had actually hurt. "Tough crowd."
"A boring bear is useless, but so is a young girl who shall have her daggers confiscated." Mother retorted. Father coughed and turned his head to watch the blue sky. I lost my joking attitude and stiffened up immediately.
"Father, I think our little fish has grown into a shark." Father chuckled and placed a large hand on my shoulder.
"No shark, Kasondra. A Stark."
*Chapter End*
I'm taking this story and running. I would just like to thank my followers and readers. Please continue to show support! Kisses and Hugs!!👄👐🏻

Weeping Thorns
FantasyKasondra Stark was a girl made out of ice and snow. She feared nothing but the loss of her family. Yet her fears begin to awaken when she is shipped off to King's landing with her father and sisters. Kasondra will do everything in her power to keep...