My eyes flashed from Arya to Syrio as they danced across the ground like agile birds. Each step lunged and attacked with precise strikes. I smiled mostly to myself, enjoying the fun Arya was having. It wasn't often my sister smiled like this. Only when we caused mischief.
"Yah! Left high, Left low!" The man shouted, one hand on his hip behind his back. Arya copied his movements like a mirror. "Right low, lunge right!"
The two moved in synchronization. My ears picked up a distant sound that was almost like screaming. I shook my head and continued to watch.
"Left, right. Rah!" Syrio knocked the sword from Arya's hand and smirked. "Now you are dead."
"You said right. But you went left."
"And now you are a dead girl."
"Only 'cause you lied!" I laughed and brushed a strand of bright red hair behind my ear. On hot days like this a dreaded having hair so thick and long.
"My tongue lied. My eyes shouted the truth. You were not seeing.
"I was so. I watched, but you-"
"Watching is not seeing, dead girl. The seeing, the true seeing-...that is the heart of swordplay." Arya smiled at her teacher and all was peaceful in the world.
Not for long.
The door slammed open and I immediately reached for my daggers that were strapped to my thighs. Arya backed up so she was at my side as knights in the Kings colors approached.
"Arya Stark, Kasondra Stark, come with us. Your father wishes to see you." Syrio held an arm out to stop us from approaching.
"And why is it that Lord Eddard Stark is sending Lannister's men in place is his own." Syruo drew his sword with a raised brow. I grabbed Arya's arm and pulled my left blade out in front of me. "I am wondering."
"Mind your place, Dancing Master." The guard spoke in a gruff voice. I reached down and took Arya's hand, all nerves on edge. "This is no concern of yours."
"Our father wouldn't send gold cloaks." I hissed through clenched teeth. Arya bent down and grabbed her wooden sword.
"And we don't have to go with you, if we don't want." The guard laughed, a rather chilling sound.
"Take them." He ordered. Syio held out is sword in a defensive stance.
"Are you men or snakes, that you would threaten female children?" Syrio argued. Another man just a bit smaller than the first, with a chubby face stepped forward.
"Get out of my way little man."
"I am Syrio Forel-"
"Foreign bastard...." The guard withdrew his sword and lunged at the dancing master. Syrio easily blocked his attack and evaded each blow. With a single stab the larger man fell with a might heave.
"And you will be speaking to me with more respect." Syrio twirled his sword, now fresh with blood.
"Kill the Braavosi. Bring me the girls." The guards all drew their swords and began to approach us with a evil glare.
"Arya child, we are done with dancing for the day." Syrio remained cool and calm. I ushered Arya with a hand to her lower back, silently telling her to follow. "Run to your father."
The first foolish man attacked from the left. His sword clashed with the wooden staff Syrio used to defend himself. Arya and I jumped in fear as the guards grew closer. One by one the guards fell to their death at the hands of an experienced fighter.
"Bloody oafs." The guard huffed in irritation at his lackeys.
"Begone now, Arya."
"Come with us. Run." My sister pleaded. I could see the tears form in those soft blue eyes. I stroked her hair and began to tug on her arm in earnest.
"The first sword of Braavos does not run." The guard attacked with a fierce blow. Syrio's sword was caught between the metal and with a quick twist, the sword broke in half. Syrio threw the sword to the side with a sneer.
"What do we say...to the God of death?" Arya's voice cracked as she spoke the final words her master may ever hear.
"Not today."
"Go." Syrio whispered. Arya and I took off in the opposite direction. The only sounds we heard were the clashing of swords and battle cries. Arya grabbed a torch and took off ahead of me. I picked up the ends of my dress and followed behind as closely as possible. The screams of dying men, dying Stark men, had my blood running cold.
"Not today, not today." Arya repeated when we scaled down another flight of stairs. I was completely lost and prayed that Arya knew where we were going. After countless twist and turns we found ourselves near the stables. Stark men were piled up, bleeding from every wound.
"Needle." Arya shouted and began to scrounge around a knocked over box. Approaching footsteps had me turning with Heartbreaker dangling from my finger tips.
"There they are." A boy, no older than Arya, stepped from the shadows.
"What do you want?" I pondered. He seems to ignore my blade and stepped closer.
"I want the wolf girls, come here."
"Leave us be, and nobody gets hurt." I ordered. The boy seems to take me for a joke. I had never killed a man before, especially not a young boy. Yet I wouldn't hesitate to defend my family. "Our father is a lord, he'll reward you."
"She'll reward me, The Queen!" He reached out to grab my arm, but Arya stuck Needle deep within his belly. She stared shocked at the boy as blood began to trickle from his lips. She quickly withdrew her weapon and the child fell to the ground.
"Don't look!" I grabbed Arya and turned her head away. The damage had probably already sat in but I couldn't allow any more horrid memories. "Arya you need to go somewhere safe. Winterfell will soon be crowded by soldiers. Go to the Tully house, grandfather will surely welcome you."
"What about you?" She pleaded. I grabbed the reins of a horse and lifted Arya onto the mighty steed. Her eyes were wide with fear as I slipped Needle back into place on her hip.
"I have to inform mother and Robb of what has happened here." Arya shook her head furiously and slid down from the horse.
"It's better if I go on foot." It was a pretty smart idea, but I didn't know if I could take the chance of Arya being caught. She tugged me down with a hand and looked me straight in the eyes.
"I'll be careful Kassy." Her fingers wrapped a strand of hair behind my ear like I would always do to calm Arya. "What's the first rule of swordplay?"
A smile climbed to my lips.
"Stick 'em with the pointy end. It always hurts worse."
~Chapter End~
This book is almost completed! I love all the support I have been given and pray for so much more! Thank you all!

Weeping Thorns
FantasyKasondra Stark was a girl made out of ice and snow. She feared nothing but the loss of her family. Yet her fears begin to awaken when she is shipped off to King's landing with her father and sisters. Kasondra will do everything in her power to keep...