Chapter XIII. Victory

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Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer, Overseer

Admiral Cruz stands on the bridge of his temporary flagship as the Death Star slowly enters hyperspace, jumping away with the rest of its fleet.

A hologram opens, Grand Moff Tarkins's silhouette emerging. "I congratulate you, Admiral. We have struck a critical blow to the Rebel navy and Lord Vader is taking care of the ships carrying the plans. We shall have them soon enough."

"Many thanks, Grand Moff. Our enemies cower in terror as we stand victorious. Any word on the location of the Rebel base?" He asks.

"We are working on a solution for that, our bombers couldn't reach their fleet to plant trackers." He says.

"Continuing, The Emperor would like to meet you on Coruscant to discuss your recent victory, and you may make a stop on Kuat to take command of your new command vessel." Tarkin follows up.

"I will meet him there in due time," Cruz says, closing the hologram. "Set course for Kuat, we will reinforce our fleet, and then we shall return to Coruscant." Cruz orders.


Imperial Palace

Admiral Cruz walks through the front entrance to what was once the Jedi Temple, now turned into the center of the Galactic Empire and home of Emperor Palpatine.

A pair of Imperial Royal Guards follow him, escorting him as he arrives at the central elevator, leading to the Emperor's chambers.

The elevator rises, opening into a long collom of Red Guards, all standing perfectly still in front of the Emperors seat, overlooking the senate buildings and the overall galactic city.

"Welcome, Admiral Cruz." The Emperor says, in a raspy but controlling voice.

Cruz kneels to the Emperor as his seat turns around. "Greetings, My Lord."

"At ease, Admiral." He says.

Cruz stands up, hands behind his back as he gazes at the heightened throne of the Galaxy.

"You have done well over recent years, Admiral, and you are one of my most trusted captains," He continues, sounding almost amused. "I would like to grant you the promotion of Fleet Admiral, so you can further the Empire's ambitions, and improve your influence over the galaxy."

"My highest thanks to you, your majesty," He says, bowing slightly.

"I am assigning you as commanding officer of the Eight fleet, acting as a quick-response force into the Outer Rim. I do believe you are accustomed to such a task."

"Of course, My Lord." Cruz says as one of the Emperor's aides places the new Fleet Admiral rank plaques on his uniform, giving Cruz the Admiral plaque as a gift, or suvaneer.

"You are excused, Fleet Admiral Cruz." The Emperor says, pleased.

Cruz stands in the cockpit of a Lambda-Class shuttle, overlooking an Allegiance-Class Star Destroyer, nearly twice the size of an ordinary Star Destroyer with triple the firepower, the command ship of the Eight fleet.

A pair of Interdictor Cruisers escort the ship on both sides, nearly a Dozen lancer-class frigates, Arquitens-Class Cruisers and Nebulan-B frigates escorting a Pair of Imperial-II Class Star Destroyers on each side of the Allegiance.

Far off, a pair of Imperial-I Class Star Destroyers practice offensive maneuvers, similar escort formations of support ships escorting them.

The Lambda begins a docking procedure with the Allegiance, without a hangar to support a landing, the rear of the shuttle extends a docking ramp, opening into the bridge of the heavy Star Destroyer.

A squad of Death Troopers stand at attention at the entrance of the airlock, as Cruz exits, he walks to the left, where a blast door opens, revealing a more robust and larger bridge than Imperial-Class Destroyers, filled with double the equipment and crew.

All of the officers stand at attention as he enters, a sign of respect among new crews.

"At ease, men," Cruz says, walking to the central walkway overlooking the bridge, and turning around. "I am proud to be given command of this vessel, and its fleet. And I trust this formation to make swift and easy work of Rebel cells operating across the Outer Rim. We shall show this galaxy the true meaning of the Empire in one swift blow to the terrorists and insurgents operating in this galaxy."

"We are nearly ready to make way, sir. We are merely awaiting the Revelation, a Quasar Class that shall be here within the hour." The fleet's logistics officer says.

"What is this fleet's fighter complements like?" Cruz asks.

"Primarily made up of the new Tie Interceptors and Punishers, with a squadron of Tie Defenders aboard the Revelation." The officer says, proud.

"I'm surprised there's a squadron left after Thrawn went missing." Cruz says, mildly surprised.

"Production of Defenders resumed on Rendilli following your meeting, several Tie factories were refurbished to make them, but they take time to produce." A Comms officer says.

"Good. Very good... Set course for Alderaan, I would like to regroup with the Death Star for further orders." Cruz says.

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