No. 1

49 3 0

Cara was waiting in the dark hallway of the recording studio waiting for the last of the employees to leave. The small stream of gold that poured in through the window that lined the ceiling was the only source of light, making it easier for Cara to hide. She had managed to cram her whole body into the trashcan that was in the corner of the hall as she looked through the flap at the top. With left over pasta salad in her hair from George the tech guys lunch and Mrs. E the receptionists morning coffee in the pool of her ears, Cara was about ready to call it quits. That was until the janitor walked down the hall, whistling a unfamiliar tune with keys jingling at his side. The homestretch, after all the waiting all Cara had to do now was download the new bands album on to her flash drive and she would be set, minus the sneaking out.

As soon at the heavy wooden doors slammed closed and the click of the lock resounded through the hall and rang in Cara's ears from within the trash can she was standing up and whipping the small flash drive from her pocket as well as the carefully constructed note made out of magazine clipping letters. 

Trying to get out of the trashcan was a struggle and didn't end well. As you may imagine, being a short girl made it twice as hard to get out of a trashcan, than it was to get in.

Finally coming out, shaking a banana peal from her pant leg and blueberries from her shirt she fixed her clothing and tucked a stray piece of pasta salad hair behind her ear and walked to the door with the sign that read

five seconds of summer 

This is where the new band that Cara's father signed to his label recorded their songs. And Cara was going to steal them. Why steal songs from her fathers record label? Isn't that bad for business? These are probably questions that are running through your mind at the moment.

You see Cara's father, Leo, has spent a lot of time in the business. He thinks it's boring. It is. Cara, she likes pranks... to yank peoples chain, make them scared. That is why she took a part time job at a haunted house, but that is a story for a different time.

But now Cara is going to make everyone else's lives more interesting and having fun herself, because the life of a rock star is dull, and she should know. Its red carpets, preform, eat, sleep, repeat. And when your not doing that, your coming up with the next hit single or working to bang out five songs for an album in a week. Fun is a necessity that doesn't come around often. So on her short break, Cara is scaring the new band, by stealing the songs on their record. A bit intense, she knows, but it will be a hell of a laugh.

When Cara gets to the door she sticks the note she made into the plastic saver that had been taped for the time being while a sign is being made for the Australian punk band. The note is made on white computer paper and the words are formed from magazine clippings. Cara thought of everything ahead of time. She let the boys manager know, she let the security guards know, just so she didn't get caught on camera and dropped from the label, she was safe, but the boys and her father were in for a whirlwind.

The police weren't to be called, as it clearly stated in the note, and here is what the note read:

i stole the songs.  don't call the police, don't try and find me, because i am almost positive you already know who i am. just try and have a little fun before tour season. because really, that is all the label wants and needs. fun. so can you handle it, leo?

That was the note, she wanted the label to have fun, or else all the songs, they would be deleted all the work, the solos, the callused hands from gripping the drumsticks to tight, they would be a waste because whats the point of hard work without a little laughter? Thats what caused the ransom at the record label.

Cara slowly opened the door to the recording studio and tiptoed over to the computer where all the songs were stored, then she plugged her flash drive into the computer and logged in using the company wide password, downloaded the songs and ejected the flash drive.

As Cara was walking out, she ran into a symbol that was on the drum kit. It made a loud band and clash before it hit the ground with a thump. Cara jumped a bit but quickly recovered before she made her way to the door.

Once in the hall she made her way to the laundry mat down the hall. She looked around just in case, and opened the door of Suds City Coin Laundry. Cara quickly made her way to the bathroom to change into a pair of jeans and a teeshirt she put in her black rucksack earlier that morning. 

She inserted the paper dollar and threw her clothes in the washer and waited until it beeped, notifying her the dirty clothing was now clean. She pulled out her wet jeans and sweater and put it into the clothing dryer, adding a coin into the small slot. After the beep she grabbed her clothes, shoved them into her bag with the flash drive, and skateboarded home.



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