No. 6

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The next morning at work you could tell the emotions in the studios were different. Smiling faces and laughter filled the lobby as well as Cassidy Lucas, a country singer working on some songs near the front door. The spray painting from the night before gleamed in the sun that was coming through the freshly cleaned windows and it made me feel like jelly.

There was more art, however, when I had gotten upstairs. And brightly colored markers, Sharpies, paints, and sprays were in carts pushed up against the wall with my father smiling at his employees. What the hell. He is smiling. And letting people draw on the walls.

"Leo, what has changed your mind?" I asked as I walked closer to my father.

"The album you stole and the ransom letter left on my door. But did you know I looked up ransom. People normally want money. but thats not what you want."

"Very true, father, very true." I said, still smiling in awe at the walls that seemed to be changing before my eyes.

"Then what do you want?"

"excitement, change, fun." I replied before turning on my heel. Rafe, Alex, and Ramps would be waiting.

"Did you do that?" Rafe asked as soon as I stepped in the door. The smile on my face grew so much more thinking about that. I did something to change the energy in the building, for better, not for worse.

"I am proud to say, I gave the plan a little nudge of encouragement, however leo made the outcome, more, shall we say... exuberant." I replied smiling. In our lounge, our studio, we had the most color. Crazy beanbag chairs were spewn about the the room, mostly settling on the snot green colored rug, that just so happened to be in the shape of a foot. The walls littered with signatures of artists we have worked with or befriended. Even our instruments were colorful, Alex's drums had a paintball design and my pink and green guitar screamed excitement. Rafe's bass looked like a bomb went off. duck tape, electrical tape, paint splatters, band stickers, signatures... it was a beautiful mess. And I would be lying like it was my job if I said I wasn't jealous of Ramps' rainbow Fender electric with a sprayed skull on the back. I mean it even had a studded strap!

"This is amazing!" Alex said while jumping up. "Expression! Its everywhere!" Her dreadlocks were flying in her face while she jumped around. Ramps laughed at her and spun her around before pulling her into a kiss, they were a weird couple.

"Well, while they are kissing, I have some news. I have found myself a girlfriend." Rafe said while grinning at me. Oh God. His last girlfriend was horrible.


"Cassidy." I smiled. She was a sweet girl. Anything but punk, but sweet nonetheless. "Oh and also, lover boy stopped by looking for you, something about running song lyrics by you. And I know you have been working on something as well, so if you don't mind, shoot it by them."

"Lover boy?" I asked. I had a feeling it was Luke, but I couldn't let Rafe know that. I would be tormented because I maybe had the tinniest crush on him. TINY.

"Luke, said he be in the five seconds of summer studio, obviously enough."

"Thanks, Rafe. I'll see you later, oh and by the way, Cassidy is in the lobby." He blushed and I closed the door in his face before he could say something about Luke.

I nocked on the door while admiring the poster that was rolled out on the door. It was their album cover, you know the album that I stole, yeah, that one.

Luke opened the door and smiled. "I have something to run by you." I said. I was so excited, I had just finished this song, finding the perfect person to fill the blanks.

"What is it?" He asked while we walked into the studio, his arm slung across my shoulders.

"A song." I smiled. And then looked around their room. They had empty walls and a cart with spray paint. "Your room is so dull." I added and then looked at the three other boys who sat down xbox controllers in hand, playing fifa.

"It is dull, isn't it?" Mikey asked. I nodded and ran to the cart. Picking up a can or black paint.

"You mind?" I asked while shaking the can. No protests came so I got to work. I made the Laws Against Humanity symbol and the Five Seconds Of Summer symbol inside a yin yang sign. Then painted lyrics or the song I had been writing.

Sometimes you've got to bleed to know,

That you're alive and have a soul,

But it takes someone to come around to show you how.

He's the tear in my heart, I'm alive,

He's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire,

He's the tear in my heart, Take me higher,

Than I've ever been.

The songs on the radio are ok,

But my taste in music is your face,

And it takes a song to come around to show you how.

I looked up to see the other boys painting.

Ashton and Calum were working on what appeared to be a cheerleader inside a target while Michael was drawing a dots randomly around the room. He came to what I had made and stopped to look at it.

"Is this a song?" He asked. I was happy he did too. Because he was completely right.

"Yeah, new one I was working on, Its called Tear In My Heart." I said looking back at him. He seamed to be observing the lyrics that i had written when I heard a 'awesome' behind me. I turned to see Ashton, looking at the yin yang in awe then coming to fist bump me.

"That fucking rocks." He mumbled while getting a closer look. It looked as though our bands were meant to be like that, together.

"I have an idea!" I announced. Gaining the attention of the four boys.

"Laws Against Humanity is going on tour, However we need an opening act. And I vote Five Seconds Of Summer." I said. Everyone stopped. Luke even dropped his paint can to turn to look at me wide eyed. But I couldn't focus on Luke, only what he had sprayed.

There on the black wall was the silhouette of a girl that looked kind of like me. But the deal breaker was the blue hair, exactly my color. But it wasn't just me that was surprising, he made me look... stunning even though you couldn't see my face because it was just black. Lines of pink, green, yellow, and red war paint fanned across the face of the picture. I was mesmerized. Only to be brought out of my thoughts by Calum's voice.

"Only if that is out tour logo." he said pointing to the yin yang symbol with the bands in the dots.

I looked at the boys and smiled. "Deal."


I wish those lyrics were about me, especially since I am going on tour with this girl.



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