No. 2

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Cara woke up and rolled out of the bed. She attempted to stand up, failing and falling on her face. She groaned and stood up again trying not to fall this time. Cara walked into the bathroom and rinsed her sore body. Skateboarding really takes the energy out of you! Cara hopped out and wrapped a towel over her head and a robe around her body. She walked into her closet, that is connected to her bathroom and looked for something to wear. Of course being a girl it took her about half an hour to pick something out.

She decided to wear a pair of her signature black ripped skinnies, a tank top with large armholes that says I'm with the whole band in bold white letters on a black background, and a black bandeau. Before exiting her room she grabbed one of her many SnapBacks, and slipping it over her blue hair. Cara jogged downstairs and grabbed an apple. She never liked makeup because it makes her look fake, and it makes her breakout. Pimple are the thing every girl dreads.

Cara slipped on a pair of black Vans, grabbed her black penny board with a galaxy design on the bottom, and skated to the building she snuck into the previous night. She pushed open the double doors of Hi or Hey Records, feeling the blast of air hit her face. Cara walks up to the receptionist nods and says hi.... or hey, and before she walks away Mrs. E calls her.

" You're dad wants you in his office." Mrs. E tells her with a worried tone.

" Fine." She walks away with a smirk plastered on her face. She pushes open the clear glass door that says LEO in white letters. Cara walked in and stood in front of her Leo's desk tapping her dark blue polished nails on the cool black surface. Leo looks up with anger in his eyes.

" Did you take the records?" He asks.I shrug, still smirking. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

" Father dear, why would I do such a thing?" I state in mock offense, and start walking out the door. Before I close the door I poke the my head back into the crisp white room and add, " seven days, or else the records meet fire. Bye daddy!" I fake smile at him and walk out. Cara always refused to meet, listen to, look at pictures 5 seconds of summer. It keeps her rebelling against her dad. Why did he have to get drunk that night.


"Mum, where's dad?" Cara's 13 year old self asks her mum. In that exact moment Leo walked, stumbled, through the door with some skank on his shoulder.

" Dad, who is that. Why did you bring home a slut?" Cara asked her dad pointing at the 20 year old woman next him. She was only wearing a teeny tiny skirt and a very small crop top.

" She's not a slut!" My dad boomed. He wobbled over to me and slapped me. She looked up at him in disgust. He stumbled back over to her and they start sucking faces. Cara looked at her mum who looked about on the verge of tears. She ran upstairs and came back 15 minutes later with a suitcase with her. She spit on Leo's face and walked out. She is gone. Because of him. He rolled his eyes and continued sucking faces with her. She stomped over to them and pushed them over. Cara stormed upstairs grab her wallet and jump out the window. She landed on her feet, and headed my friend at a salon. I came out with purple hair, a lip piercing, cartilage piercings, and different style.

Flashback over

" Oh my god I'm so sorry!" A tall boy, around my age, says. He has black skinnies, like me, and a tank top like me. He also has a godamn lip piercing. WTF is this dude trying to steal my style?!

" Did you steal my look?!" We both yell at the same time. I look at him and roll my eyes.

" I've been a reject since 2010 motherfucker." I tell him.

" Reject since 2013." He smiles proudly and I laugh.

" I'm Luke may have heard of me, in the lead singer in 5 Seconds of Summer" He sticks out his hand for Cara to shake. Cara hesitates then takes his soft hand in her rough, cold one.

" And I'm Cara. I suggest you stay away from me, Leo wouldn't be happy if you were around me. See you around Luke." She started walking away from him toward Mrs.E.

But Luke knew who she was, everyone knew who Cara and her band were.


"LUKE GET OVER HERE!!" Michael screams from literally a yard away.

" I'M COMING!" Luke yells to him and starts running. He jumps and grabs onto Mikey's back

" What the fuck Luke? Get you're fat ass off me!" Michael yells and shoves Luke off his back. Luke shrugs and walks to Calum who was talking to Ashton.

"Hey Luke, do you think we will see Cara Cross from Laws Against Humanity? Ashton Doesn't think she will spend time on us."

"I just literally ran into her." Luke replied while looking at Ashton as Ashton's eyes grew wide.

"You literally plowed down the lead singer of one of the greatest bands ever." He stated and Luke shook his head, about to say something when he was cut off by Calum.

"Luke, Leo wants us for a meeting."

"Hey Leo, what's up?" Luke asks just as Ashton, Calum, and Mike start piling in. Luke frowns and looks at Mike.

" I'm sorry Luke come back to me!" Michael yells as Luke hugs him. They sit down in chairs next to each other and look at Leo.

" Well boys I have a job for you." He shows them a piece of paper made of newspaper clippings, and it's the ransom note Cara made the night before.

" Who would do this?" Ashton questions Leo. They all turn our heads back Leo. He shakes his head and looks down. He pulls his hand down his face and looks back up to us.

" My daughter Cara. For some reason, one night she- uhhh rebelled against me." He says nervously. He's obviously hiding something. They look at him suspiciously.

" Cara Cross?" Luke questions.

" Blue hair lip piercing, have you seen her?" Luke looks down then nods. Cara stands on the other side of the door with her ear pressed against the wood listening in on the conversation. She sighed knowing Luke shook his head.

" Luke when did you see her? Is she as hot in person?" Michael questioned Luke. Luke flushed red. He shrugged and hid his face in his hands. Luke zoned out and thought about her. She won't get outta my head, she's kinda hot though....

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