No. 4

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The four boy looked at me like I was crazy. Fun? Well of course i wanted to have fun. Everybody in this workplace was so damn up-tight. It wouldn't kill them to have some fun, especially with the crazy and entertaining artists who held office here.

"So if your not a cat, then what are you?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe an abominable snowman. Be a nice way to keep cool considering the Hollywood weather. Either that or a kangaroo, so I could store my snacks near my belly so they would be at home."I replied casually. I had actually thought this out once or twice before.

"I like you." Michael said.

"Doesn't everybody?" I asked and then batted my eyelashes. "Well except for my father, but I am used to it. Anyways, I was kidding... sorry to come off as, well, full of myself." I said. I looked at them each in the eye with a genuine smile. I noticed something then, Luke had beautiful eyes. Almost as blue as my hair.

"Its okay, I guess... but why did you steal our songs to have fun?" Ashton asked. he looked genuinely curious. Which, I suppose, is completely understandable. I mean, it was a weird thing to do. But then again, I am Cara from Laws Against Humanity, I am anything but normal.

"How long have you guys been signed to the label?" I asked, directing the question to Calum.

"Six months."

"Right, and in those six months have not not realized how all these people, have sticks up their asses?" I asked. "I mean for crying out loud! Its music! The people are hear to make music, its supposed to be magical, happy, but all you can hear when you walk in the lobby is the sound or Mrs. E tapping on her keyboard. Shouldn't you be able to hear sick bass riffs and killer guitar solos?"

"Your right."

"I know you don't b- what?" I asked. I was even more surprised to see the person talking was none other than Luke Hemmings, I mean, the boy never spoke once, but suddenly he sits across from me with a look of determination on his face.

"Your right. It is music, its supposed to be loud, head banging and hair flying. So why is all we see white walls and shitty plastic plants in the hallways. Lets bring some color to Hi Or Hey, shall we?" And he was completely right. Music is light, and we have been living in the dark.

"We shall." I agreed and put my hand out, only to have four more placed on top. Then a voice from the doorway came.

"We want in." And there stood Rafe, Alex, and Ramps. However the serious moment was cut short by my bursts of laughter as Calum got on the floor and literally bowed down to Rafe. Dork.


She was beautiful, and her laugh was like a drug, and it bounced around in my head until in made my insides swell. oh god.

She put me on meds she won't get out of my head, she's kinda hot though.

I think I have a song to write, as well as a workplace to turn upside down.



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