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My heart burns away until it's numb,
A rotting corpse of black,
As small as a fingernail,
Kneel over your soul.
Knees in the snow,
Biting and bloodying my skin,
A small wisp floats away.
From my heart cold and jaded.
A small wisp of my whole soul.
All that remained good.
The hole in my chest bleeds,
Onto the snow with greed,
But it isn't red as a slaughtering,
It's black as a murder in cold blood.
Cold blood = cold hearted?
Does my dying heart,
Pulse with evil intentions,
As long as it lives, do I stay connected?
Will I? Won't I?
I can't but I must,
Kill the heart before it kills my trust?
Before it murders my kindness?
My humanity? My conscience?
I squish my small black heart,
A pain brighter than a thousand suns burn.
But those suns will not live, and neither will I.
Not with this heart.

Wonderland (a winter poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now