Chapter 6

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"Sometimes I feel like im falling apart, but then I ask myself, have I ever been complete"

All throughout my life i have gotten bad panic attacks where I will black out. I will do things that I don't ever remember doing. That's what happened to me that day. 

I couldn't find my notebook, that held all my secrets, and I went in to a bad panic attack. I don't know how long I was out of it, but i remember waking up and feeling a stinging pain on my arms and legs. I pulled up my sleeves to see cuts up and down my forearm. I looked next to me to see a razor blade that I didn't even know I had. I was clean for so long. it was almost 6 months and then this. I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to be fine. I felt a tear run down my cheek and before I knew it I was full on sobbing. 

I got up off my floor and made my way to the bathroom. I knew the water would burn on my open cuts but I had to wash off all the dry blood. 

I finally got out of the shower and put on some clothes. I didn't have to go anywhere so I put on a pair of baggy grey sweat pants and a red long sleeve shirt that had "too cool for you" printed on the front.

I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch to watch the newest episode of supernatural, a show that I love. I got halfway through the episode when my doorbell rang.

Who would want to come see me?

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