{Sean Astin imagine}

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This weekend was your towns annual carnival and you were going with your friends. The weekend came and you were ready to go, you guys arrive and hang out for awhile but you caught your eye on this adorable huge stuffed panda and you had to have it, you usually don't do the games cause you just waste your money but you had to have that panda. Well you tried you best and still didn't get it and ended up being broke until a boy stepped up and won the game on his first try & you hoped he wouldn't pick the panda but since you had the worst luck ever guess what he picked? the panda of course, so you just sighed and started to walk off when you saw that dude walking over to you. Which you weren't complaining because he was cute, he Finally reached you and asked "what's your name?" you say "Y/N" he says "such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" you blush and put your hair behind your ear & then ask "so what's your name?" He replies "Sean" you say "Sean, yeah I dig that, it's a cute name" he just chuckles then says "I'll make a deal with you" you say "ok,what kind of deal?" He says "I'll give you this stuffed panda if... you hang out with me for the rest of the night" you smirk and say "deal" he smiles then says "c'mon let's go" he grabs your hand and you run to get into the line for the Ferris wheel, you Guys get on and he starts shaking it back & forth so you start to freak out so you cling to him because your scared, he just laughs and says "oh c'mon it's fun" you say "your crazy this isn't fun" and cling harder to him, he just laughs even harder which you eventually start to laugh too. You had a blast the rest of the night you guys rode the drop tower, played some more games & won some more stuffed animals, shared a funnel cake and a cherry slushie..God you just didn't want the night to end but it did. Sean walked you to your car, you guys just stood there for a few mins just staring at each other until you broke up the silence by saying "thanks for a great night & thanks for all the animals" you both laugh & then he replies by saying "oh it was no problem, I really hope we can do it again sometime" you blush & say "I would love to do it again" he walks in closer to you, puts his forehead against yours and asks "how's next Saturday for you? Are you free?" You smirk and say "yeah I'm free" he then leans in for a kiss, you kiss back, it was a very passionate kiss until he lifted you up and put you on the car hood then it got heated but he broke up the long kiss by saying "so pick you up around 7:00?" You laugh and say "that sounds good to me" you give him your number and get into the car and roll down the window, he bends down to give you a kiss it lasts for a few secs because you break it up saying "I better go it's getting late & my parents are gonna kill me if I stay out any longer" he gives you a peck and backs up saying "goodnight beautiful" you say "goodnight" and then drive off. You look back in your side mirror and see him waving goodbye to you and you think to yourself how did I get so lucky tonight?..

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