{Devon Sawa imagine}

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Late in the evening on Thursday you decided to go out in the backyard & practice football, you thought you weren't that bad I mean you loved football so much but you were a girly girl & nobody knew the tomboy side of you besides your best friend. You were really getting into it & getting better but you felt weird, like somebody was watching you so you stopped and looked around and then noticed somebody or something rumbling in the trees, you walked over and said "hello? Is somebody there?" And as soon as you said that a tall,slim boy with flowy blonde hair & beautiful blue eyes walked out, you just stood there amazed on how gorgeous he was when he waved his hand in front of your face to get your attention he laughed and said "sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just moved here, I'm your new neighbor & I just saw you playing and I was just amazed on how good you are" you blushed and said "thanks" he said "I'm Devon by the way & you are?" You say "oh yeah I'm Y/N" you both laugh and he says "well y/n why don't you try out for football?" You put your head down & say "#1 I'm a girl #2 nobody knows this side of me #3 I'm not that good at it" Devon lifts up your head and looks straight into your eyes & says "y/n I've literally known you for like 10 mins but I can tell you that I love this side of you so far and I would like to get to know you better and I think your an amazing player" right then & there you knew he was the perfect one for you. You start to blush but you try to hide your face but Devon won't let you, you both laugh and he says "I know your blushing, don't hide your face from me cause I think it's cute" which that made you blush even harder so you decide to grab the football out of devon's hand and run off laughing, he tackles you to the ground Devon was on top, you guys laughed so hard until you guys locked eyes with each other until he broke the silence saying "y/n? Can I ask you something?" You say "ask away" he gets all nervous and stutters some but manages to get out "y/n I was uh wondering if uh you would like to go out sometime? Like you can show me around town since I'm new and all" you smile really big and say "I would love to" he smiles back at you, you speak up again saying "uh Devon?" He says "yeah" you laugh saying "well I was wondering if you could maybe get off me" shocked he says "oh yeah I'm sorry I forgot I was still on you" you both laugh while getting up. You guys both decide to play football until dark, it was the best time you've had in a while you guys laughed so hard, you tackled him so many times you just lost count, and you even ended up beating him. it was 9:00 so you decided to call it quits for the night, you walk Devon back over to his house, you say "well thanks for an amazing night, I've not had that much fun in forever" he says "oh it's no problem,I had a lot of fun too" you smile at him and stand there for a few seconds awkwardly until Devon mumbles something, you speak up saying "what?" He asks you nervously "um can I kiss you?.." You stand there shocked and he puts his head down and starts to say "I understand if you don't wa-" but he was cut off when your lips crashed onto his, your kiss lasted for a few seconds, you walk off smirking & smiling and turn back to Devon and say "I thought you'd never ask" after that you just left leaving Devon standing there In shock from what just happened but as soon as you get back to your house you here Devon cheering & yelling "holy crap! Holy crap she kissed me! I can't believe she actually kissed me!" You laugh and say to yourself "wow your such a dork but your my cute little dork"..

//I know he's not an 80s actor but he's one of my favorites and I think he's so underrated and I hate it cause he's amazing!❤️ and I really wanted to write an imagine about him\\

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