Jonathan brandis imagine

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It was a normal night, you were having some dinner with the family when your older brother he's only older by a year asks "mom could I have my friend Jonathan over tomorrow?" When he asked that you about spit your food out, cause you've had a crush on Jonathan for God who knows how long and you didn't even know he was friends with your brother.

Your mother asks "Y/N are you okay?" Lying you say "oh Yes mother I'm fine, I just got a little choked" then you awkwardly start drinking your coke. Your brother then brings his question back up  "So mom can he come over?" Say no mom please say no, I don't even know how to act normal around him I mean he's gorgeous and I'm just a nobody they only know me as my brothers sister cause he's popular. "Yes sweetie he can come over, I don't have a problem with it" why mom why? Oh it's really gonna be an interesting weekend. "Thanks mom" my brother says smiling.

Oh I'm so screwed..I'm gonna try to act normal around him but God knows me I'm gonna stutter or fall or say something stupid around him and he'll for sure think I'm weird. Are you kidding me? He isn't gonna like me anyways. you weren't like the other girls, you loved vintage stuff, you wore your converses 24/7, read for fun, & barely wore make up but you were happy with yourself.

  It was getting late so you decide to throw on an old baggy Vans t-shirt, put on your Breakfast Club record on, and chill on your bed and think about what not to do when Jon comes over so you don't look stupid but that's gonna be impossible & him ever liking me is like a dream that will never come true..sadly. Next thing you know you drifted off asleep thinking about so many things that will never happen.

6:30 came faster than you thought, that's the time jon was coming over and mom was gonna have dinner ready by 7, so you decided to wear something nice to it because jon was gonna be there and you wanted to try to impress him, so you threw on a red,yellow,& orange striped crop top and your favorite black high waisted jeans with your red converses and you even put on mascara and clear lip gloss, God I must like him more than I thought.

He finally arrived, I could hear him talking with my family downstairs. I was fine until my mom yelled for me to come down to eat that's when the butterflies came and they were bad. Before I walked down I took a deep breath & said to myself "you got this, you can do this" and I walked down slowly, I got a few steps down and saw Jon standing there looking beautiful as ever and couldn't help to smile a little.

He was talking to my brother when I was walking down, but something happened I never excepted to when he realized I was walking down he stopped talking and watched me walk down, we even made eye contact and I was completely dying inside. I couldn't believe this was happening. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I walked over to my brother and he introduced me to Jonathan "so Jon this is my annoying little sister, Y/N" I gave him the death stare then gave jon a small smile and said "hi I'm Y/n and yes I might be little, for sure not annoying but at least I'm not dumb"

My brother then Lowkey flips me off and I just give him a big smile. Jon then laughs and says "yeah I figured that and I've seen you around school but it's nice to meet you too personally" I blush a little and give him a smile in shock that he's actually noticed me around at school but after that we stare into each others eyes awkwardly for a min but seemed like forever, I mean I could just stare into his dreamy blue eyes forever and be fine with it, until my mom says "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving" we all laugh then go and eat.

Surprised Jon sits next to me, which made me extremely nervous but I tried not to show it. Throughout dinner me & Jon talked & talked more than him & my brother talked. after we all ate Jon & my brother went to go watch tv while I went to go help my mom with the dishes. "So sweetie what do you think about Jonathan?" My mother asks me while I was drying off the plates. "Well I think he's very sweet & we surprisingly have a lot in common" I say, "good cause I think you should go for him" surprised I say "what? Me? Going after him mom that only happens in my dreams!" Mom just shakes her head and says "at least think about it" I give her a little nod & a smile before I headed up to my room.

When I got up to my room I cracked my door then I threw my shoes off, took my makeup off, and put my hair up into a messy ponytail before I start jamming out to my Michael Jackson record. While I was singing my heart out to "Billie Jean" into my hairbrush I never noticed that Jon had peaked his head through my cracked door and was watching me act a fool, after jumping off my bed and done a spin to finish off my song Jon steps in clapping "good job! Bravo!" I start to blush hard core then we both burst into laughter. "Well thank you!" You say while taking a

Jon laughs and says "it's hard to find talent these days" you smile and say "well good thing I was born with it" laughing you walk over and sit on your bed, surprisingly Jon joins you a few seconds later. You then ask Jon "so why aren't you hanging out with my brother?" He laughs and says "well I would be if he wasn't asleep" you laugh and say "When is he not sleeping" you both then burst out laughing. "And to be honest with you, I'd rather hang out with you" Jon says blushing, you smile and say "thanks but you don't have to lie to me" you gently slap his shoulder and chuckle.

"I'm serious! Your way more interesting than him" Jon says staring into your eyes, you look down and say "well your the only one that thinks that, I'm just a nobody to everyone else" you say sadly, Jon puts his soft but gentle hand underneath your chin and raises your head up so you two are making eye contact and says "well screw everyone else I think your a smart, beautiful, & just an amazing person overall" you then smile and blush bad. I mean you couldn't believe that Jonathan Brandis was in your room at 11:30 at night telling you this.

"Well Jon I think your pretty wonderful yourself" he smiles and says "can I tell you something?" You nervously say "sure why not?" You were worried it was bad or this was all just a prank or something bad, but then Jon grabs your hand, looks deeply into your eyes and says "y/n I'm i love with you, I've been in love with you ever since the first day of freshman year when you walked in wearing the same outfit you wore to dinner tonight, and when I helped you pick up your books when you had tripped and fell, I knew in that moment You were the one you had the prettiest hair, you never wore makeup which drove me even crazier cause you were naturally beautiful but I never tried talking to you cause I would always get nervous and I didn't think you would like me anyways" you look at him in shock for a few seconds, speechless. All along you thought to yourself that you never had a shot with him and here he is now in your room confessing his feelings and you don't know what to say.

Jon then looks down, and starts to leave your room thinking that he shouldn't have said anything. "Jon wait" you say getting up walking towards him. He stops and turns around facing you, both of you standing there inches apart you look at him deeply and say "I've been in love with you too" then you connected your lips with his, at first he was in shock but then began to kiss you back, it was a passionate kiss until it began to get heated. Jon laid you ever so gently on the bed still continuing to kiss you. You still thought you were dreaming, still couldn't believe you were making out with the love of your life.

You break up the heated make out session by saying "you actually remembered what I wore on the first day?"you look over at him and then you he began to laugh cause that was the most random thing you could've said in that moment.  he looks at you, smiles and says "yes of course cause you looked absolutely stunning" you hide your facing blushing, After that you guys talked the night away while cuddled up to him and him playing with your hair until you both drifted off to sleep..

//Heyyyyyy guys! Sorry I haven't been on in FOREVER! I just didn't have any inspiration to write but slowly but surely I'm getting it back so hopefully I'll get to update more! Just bare with me lol🤗

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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